We are currently experiencing a surge in interest from journalists around the world. Normally, we make a point of responding to all inquiries from international media, but right now the demand is extraordinary. As a small university, our main focus is on our educations, research and research-based teaching, and we have to prioritize our resources. We hope you will understand that in the current situation we cannot meet all requests. Please contact our communication office
News | 03. March 2022
What are we to make of the colonial period?
In her book Voices from Greenland, the Danish Colony in the 1920s, Kirsten Thisted rewinds 100 years of history
News | 15. March 2022
World Social Work Days
News | 16. March 2022
Security in the Arctic
Nasiffik - Centre for Foreign & Security Policy at Ilisimatusarfik hereby invites an international audience to participate in online panels at our upcoming seminar on security dynamics in the Arctic
News | 16. March 2022
Public meeting on Security in the Arctic now and in the future
What does the super powers' competition and growing military presence in the Arctic mean for Greenland and the Danish Realm?
News | 17. March 2022
Security threats through, to, and in the North American Arctic: a Canadian perspective
Nasiffik - Centre for Foreign & Security Policy invites to a public talk with professor Whitney Lackenbauer
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