In this article, we present the history of social work education in Greenland, from a professional training school in 1985 to a university BA-level education in 2008 and onwards to the present day. Mainly, we discuss how the education of Greenlandic social workers continually reflects on the decolon…
In this article, we present the history of social work education in Greenland, from a professional training school in 1985 to a university BA-level education in 2008 and onwards to the present day. Mainly, we discuss how the education of Greenlandic social workers continually reflects on the decolonising elements of the curriculum.
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Education; Social work; Decolonisation; Empowerment; Greenland
Title of journal:
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
In order to understanding public attitudes towards people with disabilities in Greenland and analyse how to facilitate further empowerment, a national survey was produced in 2020. The results from the survey showed a clear difference in attitudes towards people with either physical or mental disabil…
In order to understanding public attitudes towards people with disabilities in Greenland and analyse how to facilitate further empowerment, a national survey was produced in 2020. The results from the survey showed a clear difference in attitudes towards people with either physical or mental disabilities. The survey ‘Holdninger til Handicap’ (attitudes towards disabilities), which was carried out by Tilioq (the spokesperson institution for people with disabilities) and Ilisimatusarfik Centre for Arctic Welfare, included almost 1,000 responses. Respondents had a more positive view of people with physical disabilities than those with mental disabilities. Furthermore, the survey highlights a prejudice among respondents in relation to dating or having intimate relationships with a person with a disability or mental disability. Despite the respondents’ divided view of having an intimate relationship with people with disabilities, there was more openness to accepting people with a physical disability in a position of power (e.g. politicians or managers). However, the respondents were not willing to accept people with mental disabilities in positions of power. The study in Greenland is the first to explore barriers and attitudes towards people with disabilities in non-intimate and intimate social relationships and power relationships. The study provided knowledge to support decision-makers and NGOs in informing society in general about physical and mental disabilities and the rights of disabled people in Greenland in relation to empowerment and further inclusion.
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Greenland; Disability; Empowerment; Disability studies; Public attitudes
Title of journal:
The Polar Journal
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
ISSN number:
DOI number:
In order to understanding public attitudes towards people with disabilities in Greenland and analyse how to facilitate further empowerment, a national survey was produced in 2020. The results from the survey showed a clear difference in attitudes towards people with either physical or mental disabil…
In order to understanding public attitudes towards people with disabilities in Greenland and analyse how to facilitate further empowerment, a national survey was produced in 2020. The results from the survey showed a clear difference in attitudes towards people with either physical or mental disabilities. The survey ‘Holdninger til Handicap’ (attitudes towards disabilities), which was carried out by Tilioq (the spokesperson institution for people with disabilities) and Ilisimatusarfik Centre for Arctic Welfare, included almost 1,000 responses. Respondents had a more positive view of people with physical disabilities than those with mental disabilities. Furthermore, the survey highlights a prejudice among respondents in relation to dating or having intimate relationships with a person with a disability or mental disability. Despite the respondents’ divided view of having an intimate relationship with people with disabilities, there was more openness to accepting people with a physical disability in a position of power (e.g. politicians or managers). However, the respondents were not willing to accept people with mental disabilities in positions of power. The study in Greenland is the first to explore barriers and attitudes towards people with disabilities in non-intimate and intimate social relationships and power relationships. The study provided knowledge to support decision-makers and NGOs in informing society in general about physical and mental disabilities and the rights of disabled people in Greenland in relation to empowerment and further inclusion.
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Greenland; Disability; Empowerment; Disability studies; Public attitudes
Title of journal:
The Polar Journal
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Taylor and Francis
Country of publication:
United kingdom
ISSN number:
DOI number:
The Capacity of Self-Government in Greenland
Jan Sundberg; Stefan Sjöblom
Self-government; Partially independent state; Easton model; Greenland
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Governing Partially Independent Nation-Territories - Evidence from Northern Europe
Publication house:
Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN number:
I denne artikel præsenteres udfordringer og visioner for sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Grønland. På sygeplejerskeuddannelsen ved Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet, arbejder vi med et aktionsforskningsprojekt, der skal forbedre sygeplejerskeuddannelsen, så den i højere grad er tilpasset grønlandske…
I denne artikel præsenteres udfordringer og visioner for sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Grønland. På sygeplejerskeuddannelsen ved Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet, arbejder vi med et aktionsforskningsprojekt, der skal forbedre sygeplejerskeuddannelsen, så den i højere grad er tilpasset grønlandske forhold.
Vi vil her præsentere de foreløbige resultater fra første del af projektet, der omhandler beskrivelse af den eksisterende sygeplejepraksis. Vi kan allerede konkludere, at den fremtidige indsats mod udviklingen af en implementerbar
sygeplejerskeuddannelse, der er tilpasset grønlandske forhold, skal fokusere på mere end blot det faglige. Der skal formentligt også udvikles aktiviteter, der fremmer trivsel og forbereder de studerende på de følelsesmæssige udfordringer, der ved at være ansvarlig for sygeplejen i mindre byer og bygder, hvor der måske ikke engang er en læge til stede.
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Trivsel; Fastholdelse; Uddannelse
Name of newspaper:
Volume & number:
Børn; Online sikkerhed; Grooming
Name of newspaper:
Volume & number:
Evaluering af den decentrale læreruddannelse, 2023-24. Inspiration til at anvende fjernuddannelse på Ilisimatusarfik.
Fjernundervisning; Fjernuddannelse; Decentral uddannelse; Læreruddannelse; Professionsuddannelse; Fyrtårn; Varde
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Hvad ønsker man fra politisk side med et hjemløsecenter?
Fattigdom; Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; Herberg
Name of newspaper:
Volume & number:
Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunik sullissivissaq eqqarsaatigalugu politikkikkut suut kissaatigineqarpat
Fattigdom; Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; Herberg
Name of newspaper:
Volume & number:
The Arctic is directly affected by the interaction of two ongoing global crises: climate change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. With its temperatures rising four times faster than the global average, the Arctic is facing dramatic environmental consequences. Meanwhile, retreating sea…
The Arctic is directly affected by the interaction of two ongoing global crises: climate change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. With its temperatures rising four times faster than the global average, the Arctic is facing dramatic environmental consequences. Meanwhile, retreating sea ice has led to increased economic interest in the Arctic and its growing geopolitical importance. Thus, understanding and managing the global and local implications of environmental change in this region requires urgent scientific and diplomatic collaboration.
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Kai Kornhuber; Kira Vinke; Evan T. Bloom; Loyle Campbell; Volker Rachold; Sara Olsvig; Dana Schirwon
Arctic politics; Geopolitics; Indigenous Peoples
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
DGAP Report No. 2, February 8, 2023, 19 pp.
Publication house:
German Council of Foreign Relations
ISBN number:
Mathieu Landriault; Jean-Francois Payette; Stéphane Roussel
Arctic governance; Arctic studies; Diplomacy; International law; International relations
Title of journal:
Nordicum-Mediterraneum: Icelandic E-Journal of Nordicum and Mediterranean Studies
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
The University of Akureyri
Place of publication:
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Pausen i Arktisk Råd er umiddelbart den største politiske udfordring for Grønland, som har signaleret, at et Arktisk Råd uden Rusland er utænkeligt på sigt.
Arktis; Arktisk Råd; NORAD; Grønland; Rusland
Name of newspaper:
Altinget Arktis
At gøre det umulige muligt – en governmentality analyse af en socialsygeplejerskes arbejde
Social sygeplejersker; Arbejdsliv; Governmentality
Title of journal:
Tidsskrift for arbejdsliv
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
ISSN number:
Arbejdsfælleskab; Sundhedsvæsnet i Grønland; Sygeplejersker
Title of journal:
Sygeplejefagligt Tidsskrift Forstyrrelsen
Number of journal:
Dansk Sygeplejeråd
Nyuddannede sygeplejerskers følelser og adfærd på medicinske afsnit
Rikke Winter Hedensted; Julie Wielandt Tejmers
Nyuddannede sygeplejersker; Postpsykologi
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Psykologi og sundhedspsykologi for sundhedsprofessionelle
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Kognitiv psykologi og adfærdsterapi
Rikke Winter Hedensted
Kognitiv psykologi; Adfærdsterapi; Selvskade
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Psykologi og sundhedspsykologi for sundhedsprofessionelle
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Methodology; Reflexivity
Title of journal:
Volume of journal:
Country of publication:
Samarbejdet mellem Danmarks Radio og Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa ved opstarten af samtidigheds-tv
Der undersøges forholdet mellem Danmarks Radio og Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa ved samtidigheds-tv´s opstart i begyndelsen af 1980´erne.
Ole Høiris; Ole Marquardt; Claus Andreasen
Tv-historie; Magt; Autoritet; Samtidigheds-tv
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Magt og autoritet i Grønland
Publication house:
Syddansk Universitetsforlag
ISBN number:
Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Big tech; Media; Social media; Artificial intelligence; Platforms; Democracy; Public debate
Nordic Council of Ministers
Country of publication:
Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Nordmedia Network
Name of newspaper:
Nordmedia Network
The reflexivity of ethnography allows the curious stranger to connect personal experiences to the research question at play intimately. The curious stranger exposes the reader to observations that otherwise would not have come to light and provides first-hand accounts of the studied phenomena. Getti…
The reflexivity of ethnography allows the curious stranger to connect personal experiences to the research question at play intimately. The curious stranger exposes the reader to observations that otherwise would not have come to light and provides first-hand accounts of the studied phenomena. Getting deeper data through reflexivity developed by the curious stranger can allow for more understanding of the topic to come to light. The curious stranger approach explores subject matter that would have remained in an unfamiliar setting using a more traditional research approach – a discussion often addressed within Arctic research. When discussing relevant Arctic research methodologies and ethics, the emphasis is on including indigenous knowledge (Arnfjord & Hovgaard, 2021; Denzin & Lincoln, 2014). The discussion often includes political positions and the discussion about how the research becomes relevant for the particular setting. The ethical discussion, and the relevance of research, are always present in our approach when entering the context - here formulated as being a curious stranger in an unfamiliar setting.
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Field work; Qualitative research; Reflexivity; Ethnography
Title of journal:
NordicumMediterraneum, 18 (1)
Funded by UArctic’s north2north program, we travelled from Nuuk, Greenland, to Anchorage, Alaska, in November 2022 to examine homelessness. In Nuuk, we are both involved in researching and working directly with vulnerable and homeless adults in a local outreach program in the form of a soup kitchen…
Funded by UArctic’s north2north program, we travelled from Nuuk, Greenland, to Anchorage, Alaska, in November 2022 to examine homelessness. In Nuuk, we are both involved in researching and working directly with vulnerable and homeless adults in a local outreach program in the form of a soup kitchen.
Over the previous decades, homelessness in Greenland and Alaska has increasingly become a cause of great concern amongst health and social care professionals. A forthcoming volume on Housing, Homelessness, and Social Policy in the Urban North from the University of Toronto Press focuses exclusively on this topic.
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Outi Snellman ; Hannele Palviainen
Exploring the Social Problem of Homelessness in Arctic Urban Settings
Title of journal:
The UArctic Magazine - Shared Voices
University of Lapland
Place of publication:
96101 Rovaniemi
Country of publication:
Signe Ravn-Højgaard; Anja Bechmann; Tobias Bornakke
Digitisation; Tech giants; Media; Artificial intelligence; Regulation; Nordic policy
Name of newspaper:
Fra nedsendt til bortdømt - om Grønlands psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte i Danmark
Artiklen tematiserer Grønlands nedsendelser af psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte til Danmark som ved en Grønlandsk domstol er idømt anbringelse eller behandling i Danmark. Om end Grønland historisk har nedsendt mennesker med forskellige psykiske handicaps til institution og hospital i Danmark, er vi…
Artiklen tematiserer Grønlands nedsendelser af psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte til Danmark som ved en Grønlandsk domstol er idømt anbringelse eller behandling i Danmark. Om end Grønland historisk har nedsendt mennesker med forskellige psykiske handicaps til institution og hospital i Danmark, er viden om Grønlands nedsendelser af psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte sparsom og mangelfuld. Dette er også aktuelt i forhold til Grønlands gældende retspraksis med nedsendelser af psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte. Der eksisterer ikke registreringer eller statistiske oversigter eller andre oversigtslister i Grønland eller i Danmark over antallet af psykisk syge foranstaltningsdømte som det grønlandske retsvæsen idømmer anbringelse eller behandling i Danmark. Antallet af Grønlandske foranstaltningsdømte i Danmark, deres mentale tilstand og anbringelsessted er et ubelyst felt som vi med denne artikel kaster lys på.
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Retspsykiatri; Kriminallov; Grønlandsk historisk retspraksis; Dokumentstudier; Deportation
Title of journal:
Social Kritik
Volume of journal:
Straf og sanktion
Number of journal:
nr. 168 35. årgang
Forum til Fremme af Social Debat
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Untold Stories Inside the Walls
Social anthropology; Participant observation; Fieldwork; Institutions; Prisoners
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Untold Stories from Fieldwork
Publication house:
This Working Paper outlines some of the main arguments and debates regarding Free Association in a Greenlandic context, and what possibilities and unclarities these have generated.
Greenland; Free Association; Greenlandic politics; Siumut; Naleraq
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Nasiffik Working Paper Series
The future of the Arctic region is dependent on several structural forces, the most important being climate change, but geopolitical dynamics are increasingly coming to the fore and institutional cooperation is currently hampered. The future of the region is also highly contested and subject to much…
The future of the Arctic region is dependent on several structural forces, the most important being climate change, but geopolitical dynamics are increasingly coming to the fore and institutional cooperation is currently hampered. The future of the region is also highly contested and subject to much speculation, some predicting a race, a struggle or both simultaneously while others predict a more orderly and stable development. As a result, we decided to organise a survey asking Arctic experts their predictions about the likelihood of possible Arctic geopolitical developments.
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Arctic Circle Secretariat
Arctic; Security; Governance; Expert survey
Title of journal:
Arctic Circle Journal
Number of journal:
Arctic Circle
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Greenland’s economy is predominantly reliant on its fishing industry. The continuous melt of the Greenland ice sheet due to climate change and the resultant environmental impact in the arctic is pressuring the fishing industry to adapt to a new environment. This chapter sheds light on how major stak…
Greenland’s economy is predominantly reliant on its fishing industry. The continuous melt of the Greenland ice sheet due to climate change and the resultant environmental impact in the arctic is pressuring the fishing industry to adapt to a new environment. This chapter sheds light on how major stakeholders in the Greenlandic fishing industry envision environmental, economic, and social adaptation of fisheries and their overall supply chain operations. Using a qualitative methodology based on a series of semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders in the Greenlandic fishery, the chapter illustrates how the adaptive capacity of the industry has unfolded in recent years, and how it has begun to generate relevant adaptive capabilities. It explores how adaptive capacity in Greenland may facilitate a clearer path for the consolidation of sustainable supply chain management. The analysis ultimately seeks to understand how the Greenlandic fishing industry has perceived the integration of the international best practices incorporating the three pillars of sustainability to develop a sustainable supply chain management. The findings suggest that the maritime logistic operations of Greenland’s fisheries are slowly moving towards sustainability despite key trade-offs among stakeholders associated with the social dimension that involves the promotion of employment stability and the inclusion of local knowledge.
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Antonina Tsvetkova ; Konstantin Timoshenko
Sustainability; Fishing; Shipping; Economic development; Social development
Place of publication:
Host publication title:
Supply Chain Operations in the Arctic: Implications for Social Sustainability
Publication house:
The aim of this study was to estimate prevalence of patients with asthma in Greenland according to age, gender and residence and to investigate the associated quality of care. The study was performed as a cross-sectional study with data extracted from the Greenlandic electronical medical record. A t…
The aim of this study was to estimate prevalence of patients with asthma in Greenland according to age, gender and residence and to investigate the associated quality of care. The study was performed as a cross-sectional study with data extracted from the Greenlandic electronical medical record. A total of 870 patients aged 12 years or above were diagnosed with asthma at the end of 2022, corresponding to a prevalence of 1.9%. In 2020, the total prevalence was 0.2%. The prevalence of patients aged 12 years or above with asthma was highest among patients in Nuuk (3.3%) compared with patients in the remaining parts of Greenland (1.1%). More women than men were diagnosed with asthma, and the prevalence increased with age from 20 to 59 years. The prevalence of current smokers was high among the asthma population. The quality of care was significantly higher among patients living in Nuuk for all process indicators compared with patients from the remaining parts of Greenland. The prevalence of asthma in Greenland is low compared to other comparable populations and might be underestimated. Initiatives supporting increased focus on diagnosing asthma are thus warranted.
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Asthma; Prevalence; Quality of care
Title of journal:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volume of journal:
DOI number:
COPD; Prevalence; Quality of care
Title of journal:
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
DOI number:
The aim was to test the internal consistency of the Greenlandic version of the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) questionnaire and to estimate the symptom burden in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Greenland using the CAT questionnaire. A Greenlandic version of the CAT question…
The aim was to test the internal consistency of the Greenlandic version of the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) questionnaire and to estimate the symptom burden in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Greenland using the CAT questionnaire. A Greenlandic version of the CAT questionnaire was developed including forward translation, reconciliation, backwards translation, and pilot test. Afterwards, a cross-sectional study of patients with COPD was conducted. The internal consistency assessed by the Cronbach α coefficient was 0.823 for the Greenlandic version of the questionnaire (n = 103). The CAT was negatively correlated to spirometry values and current smoking. In the cross-sectional study (n = 250), 81.1% of the patients experienced a high symptom burden (≥10). The main CAT score was 17 (range 0–38). The CAT was used in 9 out of 17 towns in Greenland. The Greenlandic version of the CAT questionnaire demonstrated a good internal consistency. We observed a high burden of symptoms associated with reduced lung function and active smoking status among patient diagnosed with COPD in Greenland. The questionnaire can be used in clinical practice for assessment of symptom burden in patients with COPD in Greenland and may help to increase focus on symptom control and quality of care.
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COPD; Symptom burden; CAT questionnaire; COPD assessment test
Title of journal:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volume of journal:
DOI number:
Signe Ravn-Højgaard; Mette Simonsen Abildgaard
Internet; Infrastruktur; Sikkerhedspolitik; Telekommunikation
Title of journal:
DIIS Policy Brief
Danish Institute of International Studies
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
In a 2017 book chapter on the continuing erasure of Indigenous epistemes in academia, the Sami scholar Rauna Kuokkanen posed an important question: is it acceptable for a site of learning to be so ignorant? Foregrounding Indigenous scholarship from the Arctic, this article examines the potential of…
In a 2017 book chapter on the continuing erasure of Indigenous epistemes in academia, the Sami scholar Rauna Kuokkanen posed an important question: is it acceptable for a site of learning to be so ignorant? Foregrounding Indigenous scholarship from the Arctic, this article examines the potential of history education to address this question. Based on previous research on Arctic gender history and the coloniality of knowledge, I suggest a paradigm shift, in view of the new UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development framework (May 2021). The research investigates the challenges and opportunities that history education offers in terms of epistemic and cognitive justice within the context of Arctic memory cultures. The article concludes that much can be learned from (not about) Indigenous scholarship, which has long demonstrated a range of critical and sustainable methodologies that offer opportunities to seek epistemic justice and the restitution of cultural memory.
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Arctic; History; Education; Indigenous knowledge; Culture; Memory; Equity; Social justice; Social sustainability
Title of journal:
History Education Research
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
UCL Press
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
DOI number:
Nurturing care and protection from parents and community in the early years of life are fundamental for a child's development. The article aims to explore what relations parents see as meaningful in their child's upbringing and how these are shaped, and how these perspectives are reflected in MANU.…
Nurturing care and protection from parents and community in the early years of life are fundamental for a child's development. The article aims to explore what relations parents see as meaningful in their child's upbringing and how these are shaped, and how these perspectives are reflected in MANU. MANU is a universal parenting programme in Greenland. Ten of 40 interviews with parents were selected for the analysis of this article's objective. Five grandparents were interviewed. Grandparents are the child's closest extended family members and provide support to parents. Parents placed between one to 19 extended family members in their child's network. Eating and being in nature together, along with familial and intergenerational connectedness, were deemed valuable and important aspects in child-rearing. Parents? own experiences in childhood can influence and complicate how parents place their new family within the extended family. The MANU materials address aspects in the role of kin that parents and grandparents described in interviews. The format and delivery of MANU aims to be universal and mostly addresses Western epistemologies, but both Western and Inuit epistemologies coexists in Greenland. This article creates a window into the existing context parents navigate in. It is important that initiatives are built within this context to ensure they are relevant to families.
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Christine Ingemann; Ingelise Olesen; Else Jensen; Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen; Siv Kvernmo
Parenting programme; Qualitative methods; Child-rearing; Kinship; Indigenous; Arctic; Circumpolar
Title of journal:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volume of journal:
DOI number:
Jørgen Elm Larsen; Søren Ruud
Socialpolitik; Sociale problemer; Sociologi; Socialt arbejde
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Publication house:
Hans Reitzels Forlag
ISBN number:
Artiklen argumenterer for et større fokus på fastboende sundhedsmedarbejdere, på faglig udvikling og uddannelse, som forudsætning for at styrke rekruttering og fastholdelse af sundhedspersonale.
Kronikken formidler medarbejderperspektiver på et forbedret arbejdsmiljø i sundhedsvæsenet som forudsætning for fastholdelse af medarbejderne. Der argumenteres for at alle parter i sundhedspraksis, politikere, ledere, medarbejdere og brugere, må inddrages i en dialog om udfordringerne med at rekrutt…
Kronikken formidler medarbejderperspektiver på et forbedret arbejdsmiljø i sundhedsvæsenet som forudsætning for fastholdelse af medarbejderne. Der argumenteres for at alle parter i sundhedspraksis, politikere, ledere, medarbejdere og brugere, må inddrages i en dialog om udfordringerne med at rekruttere og fastholde personale på sundhedsområdet, hvis løsningerne skal være langtidsholdbare.
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Grønland; Empowerment; Kapacitetsopbygning; Elendighedsforskning
Title of journal:
Social Kritik
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Forum til Fremme af Social Debat
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
Artiklen sætter fokus på 10 års arbejde med hjemløshedsforskning, aktivisme og aktionsprojekter i Grønland.
Hjemløshed; Aktivisme; Aktionsforskning; Socialpolitik; Neomarxisme
Title of journal:
Social Kritik
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Forum til Fremme af Social Debat
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
ISSN number:
Der er behov for en mere nuanceret debat i Grønland om de juridiske, politiske og økonomiske muligheder og udfordringer vedrørende Free Association
Denne artikel omhandler et igangværende samarbejde mellem Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs (hovedstadskommunen, hvor Nuuk ligger) opsøgende gadeteam og Ilisimatusarfiks Center for Arktisk Velfærd (ICAV), baseret på deltagende aktionsforskning. Målet med samarbejdet er at styrke kapaciteten blandt de ops…
Denne artikel omhandler et igangværende samarbejde mellem Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs (hovedstadskommunen, hvor Nuuk ligger) opsøgende gadeteam og Ilisimatusarfiks Center for Arktisk Velfærd (ICAV), baseret på deltagende aktionsforskning. Målet med samarbejdet er at styrke kapaciteten blandt de opsøgende socialarbejdere og give dem større overblik over deres job og faglige udvikling (UNDP, 2015).
Kapacitetsopbygning og empowerment er begreber, der understøtter udviklingen af individer, fællesskaber og organisationer gennem socialt- og lokalsamfundsarbejde (Jones, 2010; Smith, 2015). Kapacitetsopbygning er helt specifikt en proces, som forbedrer individers og fællesskabers evne, viden og ressourcer og styrker dem til effektivt at nå deres mål og ambitioner (Brown, 2008). Dette koncept styrker principperne i lokalsamfundsarbejde ved at fokusere på ved hjælp af fællesskaber at opbygge de nødvendige færdigheder og ressourcer til selvfortalervirksomhed og initiering af ændringer. Samtidig giver empowerment individer de værktøjer og ressourcer, der er nødvendige for at tage styring over eget liv og træffe beslutninger som positivt påvirker deres trivsel. Dette udstyrer individer og fællesskaber med gå-på-modet til at fremme deres vækst og udvikling.
Både kapacitetsopbygning og empowerment spiller sammen en betydelig rolle i at katalysere bæredygtig udvikling og social forandring (Lee, 2019). Derfor fungerer de som fundamentet for ethvert udviklingsprogram eller initiativ, der søger at tackle individuelle, gruppe- eller lokalsamfundsudfordringer (Smith & Jones, 2017).
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Outreach; Social work; Capacity building; Nuuk; Grønland
Title of journal:
Social Kritik - Tidsskrift for social analyse & debat
Volume of journal:
Selskabet til fremme af Social Debat
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Socialområdet i Grønland har ry for at have mange udsatte børn, og det er et fakta, at antallet af børn, der er anbragt uden for hjemmet, er højt. Samtidig ved vi, at anbragte børn klarer sig dårlige end jævnaldrende både på kort og langt sigte. Løsningen på de sociale udfordringer i Grønland har si…
Socialområdet i Grønland har ry for at have mange udsatte børn, og det er et fakta, at antallet af børn, der er anbragt uden for hjemmet, er højt. Samtidig ved vi, at anbragte børn klarer sig dårlige end jævnaldrende både på kort og langt sigte. Løsningen på de sociale udfordringer i Grønland har siden 1950’erne været at overføre danske standarder for socialt arbejde til Grønland. Denne artikel argumenterer for, at vi i stedet lærer af de tidligere grønlandske anbringelsesmetoder, hvor slægt og netværk spiller en afgørende rolle.
Inddragelse af og ophold i slægt og netværk har traditionelt været udbredt i Grønland, idet den udvidede familie har taget sig af børn, der i kortere eller længere tid ikke har kunnet bo hos deres forældre. Denne type uformel social bistand inden for familien blev efter introduktionen af det danske socialsystem nedprioriteret og er ikke længere så anvendt. Men da slægts- og netværksanbringelser ifølge international forskning er den anbringelsesform, hvor børn får de bedste betingelser for at kunne klare sig i livet, er det værd at undersøge, hvordan man kan genintroducere grønlandske traditioner i det sociale arbejde, og dermed empower og gentænke den professionelle støtte til børn og familier.
Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i viden om arbejdet med slægt og netværk i forhold til udsatte børn og unge, der bor væk fra deres familier. Den diskuterer eksisterende vilkår og mulighederne for at udvikle bedre indsatser for børn og unge ved at tage udgangspunkt i tidligere erfaringer.
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Bonnie Jensen; Bo M. Rasmussen; Anthon S. Jørgensen; Lise J. Kaumatidis; Sikkersoq Mathæussen; Lene S. Søbjerg
Netværksanbringelse; Kinship care; OHC
Title of journal:
Social Kritik
Number of journal:
Country of publication:
In Greenland, more than four times as many children are placed in out-of-home care (OHC) as in comparable countries in the Nordic region. This article is based on qualitative interviews with 38 children placed in residential institutions and shows the children’s own experiences of this and the degre…
In Greenland, more than four times as many children are placed in out-of-home care (OHC) as in comparable countries in the Nordic region. This article is based on qualitative interviews with 38 children placed in residential institutions and shows the children’s own experiences of this and the degree to which they were involved in decisions concerning their own lives. The results of the article point to five main findings. First, the interviewed children usually didn’t know why they were placed in institutional care. Secondly, they didn’t know how long they could stay where they lived. Thirdly, the children expressed a wish for more committed staff. Fourthly, the children missed their families, not least because they were often placed far away from home and only had the opportunity to see their families a few times a year. And finally, around half of the children were satisfied to live in the residential institution they’d been placed in. The results are analysed and discussed in a phenomenological framework of recognition theory and participation theory.
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Out-of-home care; OHC; Group home; Residential care; Children’s perspective; Children’s participation
Title of journal:
Developmental Child Welfare
Country of publication:
DOI number:
Grønlands særlige foranstaltningsdømte - en kortlægning
Unlike legal systems in Denmark or many other countries, the Greenlandic Penal Code does not include the concept of punishment. Instead, the Code contains several diverse sanctions intended to prevent reoffences through treatment. This article explores this particular legal structure by examining ca…
Unlike legal systems in Denmark or many other countries, the Greenlandic Penal Code does not include the concept of punishment. Instead, the Code contains several diverse sanctions intended to prevent reoffences through treatment. This article explores this particular legal structure by examining cases of Greenlandic citizens sanctioned for treatment with or without deprivation of liberty. Based on an archival study of records held by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Greenland Police, this article maps the number of Greenlandic citizens sanctioned for treatment with or without deprivation of liberty in either Greenland or Denmark along with the assessment of their mental state and place of treatment. The findings show that 49 of the 160 individuals convicted were sent to Denmark for treatment and
rehabilitation within the prison service, forensic psychiatry, or forensic intellectual disability services. The most common types of crime among the convicted were violent. This article recommends that a new registration practice is needed to methodologically generate a representative picture of the convicted population.
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Retspsykiatri; Kriminallov; Grønlandsk historisk retspraksis; Dokumentstudier; Deportation
Title of journal:
Grønlandsk Kultur- og samfundsforskning 2022-23
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
This article examines the conceptualization of nation-building in Greenland, challenging conventional views on sovereignty and suggesting an imminent emergence of an alternate governance model in the Arctic region. Drawing on the decoloniality perspective, we explore the Inuit myth, which suggests a…
This article examines the conceptualization of nation-building in Greenland, challenging conventional views on sovereignty and suggesting an imminent emergence of an alternate governance model in the Arctic region. Drawing on the decoloniality perspective, we explore the Inuit myth, which suggests a unique connection of the Inuit to the Arctic environment and asserts their status as natural stewards of the region with special rights based on their cultural and political identity. We argue that this understanding of sovereignty has important implications not only for its departure from conventional Western notions of state formation but also for its potential to create alternative governance structures that do not reinforce existing political hegemonies from the “West”. We further analyze how the legacy of colonialism in Greenland has impacted power and gender relations in the region and has fueled a distinctive sense of nationalism that differs from those seen in the West. The article discusses how the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) is playing a major role in promoting an alternative political legitimacy model against the conventional approach of nation-building. We note that the ICC depends on the maintenance of political myths which have evolved over time. We conclude by suggesting that conventional perspectives on state formation must be revised to incorporate the historical experiences and knowledge of Indigenous peoples, and that further exploration of alternative governance structures is needed.
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Governance; Postcolonialism; Colonialism; Inuit; Greenland
Title of journal:
Arctic Yearbook
Place of publication:
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Forskningsrapporten præsenterer resultater fra forskningsprojektet "Læseundervisning som fjernundervisning i faget grønlandsk". Rapportens analyser tager udgangspunkt i elevernes læsninger i læseværktøjet EyeJustRead, hvor en læsevejleder er tilknyttet fra en anden skole.
Læsning; Fjernundervisning; Eye-tracking
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Bernd Henningsen
Scandinavia; Nordic exceptionalism; Auto-images; Welfare state; Minorities; Colonialism
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Nordeuropa: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium
Publication house:
Rombach Wissenschaft
ISBN number:
Bernd Henningsen
Greenland; Denmark; Colonial history; Decolonization; Historiography
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Nordeuropa: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium
Publication house:
Rombach Wissenschaft
ISBN number:
Bernd Henningsen
Scandinavia; Colonial history; Sápmi; Greenland; Danish West Indies; Gold Coast; India; Decolonization; Historiography; Nordic exceptionalism
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Nordeuropa: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium
Publication house:
Rombach Wissenschaft
ISBN number:
Bernd Henningsen
Greenland; Literature; Art; Film; Representation; Postcolonialism; Oral history
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Nordeuropa: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium
Publication house:
Rombach Wissenschaft
ISBN number:
Lassi Heininen; Sara Olsvig; Justin Barnes; Heather Exner-Pirot
Lassi Heininen; Justin Barnes; Heather Exner-Pirot
Arctic; Social science; Research ethics; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous knowledge
Title of journal:
Arctic Yearbook
Volume of journal:
Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security of the University of the Arctic
Ildsjæle i det grønlandske samfund
Indenfor mange områder i det grønlandske samfund bliver aktivitet og udvikling drevet af såkaldte ildsjæle. Det er personer som engagerer sig, uden nødvendigvis at have ledelsesansvar. De ser muligheder, og har inspirationen til at få liv i en organisation eller institution. Men løsninger med ildsjæ…
Indenfor mange områder i det grønlandske samfund bliver aktivitet og udvikling drevet af såkaldte ildsjæle. Det er personer som engagerer sig, uden nødvendigvis at have ledelsesansvar. De ser muligheder, og har inspirationen til at få liv i en organisation eller institution. Men løsninger med ildsjæle skaber en skrøbelig og omskiftelig ledelsesstruktur, og får udvikling til at halte eller gå i stå.
En gennemgang af anvendelsen af fjernundervisning i den grønlandske skole bruges til at diskutere, hvordan ildsjæle er udtryk for et komplekst magtvakuum indenfor ledelse i Grønland. Af historiske årsager ønskes ofte ledere med grønlandsk baggrund. Ledelsesansvar gribes, men der kan så opstå ambivalens overfor at få overdraget ansvar og råderum. Ambivalens overfor at påtage sig lederansvar afspejler muligvis den ambivalente situation det er for et samfund, at blive tildelt selvforvaltning fra en tidligere kolonial centraladministration. Forpligtelsen ved at få medindflydelse kan også opleves som anmassende, og som et respektløst overgreb, som magtanvendelse. Vægring ved at tage ledelse, og udøve magt, kan være en reaktion der handler om at yde modmagt, og faktisk om selvforvaltning. Det siger sig selv, at denne reaktion er kontraproduktiv. Resultatet bliver let, at samfundet bringes til at stå i stampe, og at der sættes gang i en uheldig reproduktion af selvforstærkende inkompetence. Her er det ildsjælene mister tålmodigheden, og griber de gode muligheder der ofte er for initiativer. Kapitlet viser empirisk og teoretisk hvordan Ildsjæle afspejler en problematisk ledelseskultur, som bør trækkes frem i lyset for at blive diskuteret.
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Ole Høiris; Ole Marquardt; Claus Andreasen
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Magt og autoritet i Grønland
Publication house:
Syddansk Universitetsforlag
ISBN number:
Distance between a learner and teacher in distance teaching is theoretically confronted as a challenge in terms of contact and communication. But geographical distance does not necessarily cause mental distance. Using case studies from schools in Denmark and Greenland, this chapter proposes theoreti…
Distance between a learner and teacher in distance teaching is theoretically confronted as a challenge in terms of contact and communication. But geographical distance does not necessarily cause mental distance. Using case studies from schools in Denmark and Greenland, this chapter proposes theoretical concepts that frame distance teaching as pedagogical development. The findings support a focus on how distance teaching stimulates a proactive learner role, and how teachers might gain from the geographical distance in terms of contact with the learners’ learning and development. Teaching over distance might support an even better connection to proficiency levels and progress with the learner. Focused subject interaction and communication and enhanced student visibility are discussed as theoretical concepts for distance teaching research and practice, grounded in qualitative data.
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Sharon Mistretta
Distance teaching theory; K–12 online learning; Greenland educational system; Community of inquiry; Student visibility; Focused subject interaction
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
Host publication title:
Reimagining Education - The Role of E-learning, Creativity, and Technology in the Post-pandemic Era
Publication house:
ISBN number:
This article presents a case study of a school class for children with special needs in a Greenlandic elementary school, where education outside the classroom (EOtC) is practised by using hunting and other traditional use of Greenlandic nature as a foundation for interdisciplinary teaching. The stud…
This article presents a case study of a school class for children with special needs in a Greenlandic elementary school, where education outside the classroom (EOtC) is practised by using hunting and other traditional use of Greenlandic nature as a foundation for interdisciplinary teaching. The students live in a residential institution because they have been exposed to neglect and traumatic events at home. That has caused that they have been relocated from their family and hometown and have changed school. The study examines how students respond to school, when hunting, the Greenlandic dog sled and traditional use of Greenlandic plants are used in the school’s lessons. Observation and interviews show that this form of teaching motivates students and have at positive impact on their academic performance and social and personal development. Mastery experiences, authenticity, a smooth room and positive relationships between teacher and student as well as between students are important elements in this positive experience of school. The research can provide inspiration for a pedagogy in the Greenlandic elementary school that creates motivation and interest for school. It would be relevant to study if this way of practice EOtC will have any long-term effect on the students.
This article is a translation of the article written in Danish “Kulturtradition, jagt og naturbrug i en grønlandsk specialklasse – udeskole der motiverer” (Føns, 2022). The article has been peer reviewed and published in the Danish research journal “Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift”. The translation and publication are approved by the editor of Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift.
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Kyle Clarke
Education outside the classroom; Outdoor learning; Culturally responsive; Motivation; Inuit culture; Children with special needs; Hunting; Nature-based learning
Title of journal:
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The Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario Board of Directors
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Institutionel etnografi (IE) er initieret af Dorothy Smith (1926 – 2022) og skriver sig ind i sociologier om objektivering af subjekter. Med IE analyseres bagvedliggende styringsrelationer i form af ideologier og diskurser i politiske tekster, men sådan som de sætter sig igennem i hverdagslivets akt…
Institutionel etnografi (IE) er initieret af Dorothy Smith (1926 – 2022) og skriver sig ind i sociologier om objektivering af subjekter. Med IE analyseres bagvedliggende styringsrelationer i form af ideologier og diskurser i politiske tekster, men sådan som de sætter sig igennem i hverdagslivets aktiviteter. Med inspiration fra marxistiskfeministisk teori er ideen at producere viden, der ikke er fremmedgørende for de mennesker, som sociologen vil undersøge. Dette illustreres med dårlig samvittighed og skyld, der er en genkendelig følelse i hverdagslivet hos nyuddannede sygeplejersker, og som konstitueres af en politisk bestemt neoliberal individualisering af arbejdsvilkår, der ansvarliggør den enkelte i arbejdslivet.
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Gitte Bunkenborg; Thora Skodshøj Thomsen
Institutionel etnografi; Dorothy Smith; Hverdagsliv; Standpunkt; Institutionelt producerede følelser
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Dansk Sygeplejeråd
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ISSN number:
Sundhedsforliget – rekruttering er godt, men fastholdelse er lige så vigtigt
Artiklen argumenterer for inddragelse af medarbejderne i udvikling af tiltag til fastholdelse af fastboende medarbejdere i sundhedsvæsenet.
Sundhedsforliget 2023; Rekruttering; Fastholdelse; Medarbejderperspektiver
Name of newspaper:
Volume & number:
Nr. 47
En interviewundersøgelse af medarbejderperspektiver på praksis i sundhedsvæsenet i Grønland har givet viden om de muligheder og begrænsninger, medarbejderne ser for et demokratisk og effektivt sundhedsvæsen. Et vigtigt element er medarbejdernes trivsel, som er tæt forbundet med samarbejdet med bruge…
En interviewundersøgelse af medarbejderperspektiver på praksis i sundhedsvæsenet i Grønland har givet viden om de muligheder og begrænsninger, medarbejderne ser for et demokratisk og effektivt sundhedsvæsen. Et vigtigt element er medarbejdernes trivsel, som er tæt forbundet med samarbejdet med brugerne samt oplevelsen af kollegial og ledelsesmæssig opbakning.
Medarbejdertrivsel rammer ind i den aktuelle problematik om rekruttering og fastholdelse af medarbejdere i sundhedsvæsenet, både fastboende og udefrakommende. Artiklen peger på følgende områder for forbedring af trivslen og dermed mulighederne for at rekruttere og fastholde sundhedspersonale:
Efteruddannelse og fælles praksisrefleksion som middel til at kunne håndtere faglige og menneskelige udfordringer i arbejdet.
Opprioritering af forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme som forudsætning for et meningsfuldt arbejde der imødekommer befolkningens ønsker og behov.
Medarbejderindflydelse på prioriteringer og tilrettelæggelse af opgaver.
Ledelsesmæssig opbakning og samarbejde om udvikling.
Fokus på samarbejde med brugerne, både individuelt og lokalt.
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Uffe Wilken
Medarbejderindflydelse; Fastholdelse; Efteruddannelse; Ledelse
Title of journal:
Tidsskriftet Grønland
Volume of journal:
71. årgang
Number of journal:
Det Grønlandske Selskab
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ISSN number:
Det er blevet tiltagende vanskeligt at rekruttere grønlandske sundhedsmedarbejdere til langvarige ansættelser i sundhedsvæsenet. Resultatet er en ond cirkel hvor arbejdsvilkårene forringes pga. skiftende personale og ubesatte stillinger, og hvor forringet kvalitet af indsatsen og manglende støtte ti…
Det er blevet tiltagende vanskeligt at rekruttere grønlandske sundhedsmedarbejdere til langvarige ansættelser i sundhedsvæsenet. Resultatet er en ond cirkel hvor arbejdsvilkårene forringes pga. skiftende personale og ubesatte stillinger, og hvor forringet kvalitet af indsatsen og manglende støtte til medarbejderne er konsekvensen.
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Uffe Wilken
Medarbejderperspektiver; Arbejdsliv; Fastholdelse
Title of journal:
Det Grønlandske Selskab
Place of publication:
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"Sundhedsforliget – rekruttering er godt, men fastholdelse er lige så vigtigt"
Artiklen problematiserer sundhedsforligets manglende stillingtagen til fastholdelse af det fastboende sundhedspersonale og bidrager med input til et mere attraktivt arbejdsmiljø i sundhedsvæsenet gennem resultaterne af en undersøgelse af medarbejderperspektiver på udfordringer og udviklingsmulighede…
Artiklen problematiserer sundhedsforligets manglende stillingtagen til fastholdelse af det fastboende sundhedspersonale og bidrager med input til et mere attraktivt arbejdsmiljø i sundhedsvæsenet gennem resultaterne af en undersøgelse af medarbejderperspektiver på udfordringer og udviklingsmuligheder.
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Sundhedsforlige 2023; Rekruttering og fastholdelse; Fastboende sundhedspersonale
Name of newspaper:
Volume & number:
Årg. 71, nr. 47
Arbejdsliv; Fastholdelse af fastboende medarbejdere
Title of journal:
Volume of journal:
48. årgang
Number of journal:
Grønlands Lægeforening
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
Maja Hykkelbjerg Nielsen; Annesofie Lunde Jensen; Michael Lynge Pedersen; Lene Seibæk
Greenlandic cultural norms; Non-communicable disease; Chronic disease; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Interpretive description; Qualitative study; Type 2 diabetes
Title of journal:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volume of journal:
DOI number:
Polar law describes the normative frameworks that govern the relationships between humans, States, Peoples, institutions, land and resources in the Arctic and the Antarctic. These two regions are superficially similar in terms of natural environmental conditions but the overarching frameworks that a…
Polar law describes the normative frameworks that govern the relationships between humans, States, Peoples, institutions, land and resources in the Arctic and the Antarctic. These two regions are superficially similar in terms of natural environmental conditions but the overarching frameworks that apply are fundamentally different. The Routledge Handbook of Polar Law explores the legal orders in the Arctic and Antarctic in a comparative perspective, identifying similarities as well as differences. It points to a distinct discipline of "Polar law" as the body of rules governing actors, spaces and institutions at the Poles. Four main features define the collection: the Arctic-Antarctic interface; the interaction between global, regional and domestic legal regimes; the rights of Indigenous Peoples; and the increasing importance of private law. While these broad themes have been addressed to varying extents elsewhere, the editors believe that this Handbook brings them together to create a comprehensive (if never exhaustive) account of what constitutes Polar law today. Leading scholars in public international and private law as well as experts in related fields come together to offer unique insights into polar law as a burgeoning discipline.
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Polar law; International law; Law of the sea; Indigenous peoples; Environmental law; Extractive industries
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Russian aggression against Ukraine has triggered doubts about the viability of international law to address complex problems, including in the polar regions. Nevertheless, this article demonstrates that international legal approaches remain important tools to address challenges and disputes in polar…
Russian aggression against Ukraine has triggered doubts about the viability of international law to address complex problems, including in the polar regions. Nevertheless, this article demonstrates that international legal approaches remain important tools to address challenges and disputes in polar law. The article argues that international law remains of critical importance for the peaceful governance of the Poles. It illustrates this argument with a review of, amongst other institutions, the functioning of the Arctic Council, the Antarctic Treaty System, selected issues in the law of the sea and the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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Polar law; International law; Use of force; Ukraine; Arctic Council; Antarctic Treaty System
Title of journal:
Nordicum Mediterraneum
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
University of Akureyri
Place of publication:
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DOI number:
The Kárahnjúkar dam, power station and aluminium smelter opened in East Iceland in 2007 after many years of debate and discord. It is the largest ever industrial project in Iceland and had national as well as local implications, both responding to and in turn changing public expectations regarding p…
The Kárahnjúkar dam, power station and aluminium smelter opened in East Iceland in 2007 after many years of debate and discord. It is the largest ever industrial project in Iceland and had national as well as local implications, both responding to and in turn changing public expectations regarding participation, environmental impact assessment and community engagement. As Iceland seeks to harness an increasing supply of renewable energy, questions are raised about what constitutes a just transition in the Icelandic context. The article begins by discussing energy supply and demand, current and projected in Iceland. It then delves into theoretical accounts of just transition. It explores the decision-making process for the Kárahnjúkar project and the longer term impacts on the region before assessing these within the framework of just transition theory. A discussion follows that delivers insights into key aspects of the just transition that can be applied to new projects both in Iceland and further afield. These pertain in particular to employment and community benefits, environmental impact assessment and public participation.
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Daria Shapovalova
Just transition; Megaprojects; Hyropower; Arctic; Iceland
Title of journal:
The Polar Journal
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Taylor & Francis
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ISSN number:
DOI number:
Polar law; International law
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Routledge Handbook of Polar Law
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Polar law; International law
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
Host publication title:
Routledge Handbook of Polar Law
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Indigenous peoples; International law; Colonisation; Decolonisation; Polar law
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
Host publication title:
Routledge Handbook of Polar Law
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Massimo Fragola; Sara Fusco
Indigenous peoples; International law; Colonisation; Decolonisation; Polar law
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Arctic: Essays from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Publication house:
Luigi Pellegrini Editore srl
ISBN number:
Tina Soliman Hunter; Madeline Taylor
Indigenous peoples; Free; Prior and informed consent; Extractive industries; Oil and gas
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
Host publication title:
Research Handbook of Oil and Gas Law
Publication house:
Edward Elgar
ISBN number:
978 1 78897 821 7
Krimi; Grønland; Glokal; Genreforvaltning; Køn; Litteratur; Aaju; Kristian Olsen
Title of journal:
Grønlandsk Kultur- og Samfundsforskning 2022-2023
Volume of journal:
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Historically, public health interventions in Greenland are primarily adopted from a Scandinavian context or developed centrally in the capital city instead of building on communities’ local resources and strengths. The aim of this article is to identify implementation determinants from professionals…
Historically, public health interventions in Greenland are primarily adopted from a Scandinavian context or developed centrally in the capital city instead of building on communities’ local resources and strengths. The aim of this article is to identify implementation determinants from professionals’ perspectives in the implementation of the parenting programme Meeraq Angajoqqaat Nuannaarneq (MANU, meaning child’s and parent’s happiness) 0–1 Year, at the local level in three of Greenland’s five health regions. The study applied the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Semi-structured interviews with 18 health professionals and six managers in healthcare and with four municipality personnel were held. Additionally, data on staffing from the Board for Health and Prevention was gathered. Professionals agree on the importance of having a universal parenting programme, but it is not a priority to them. Characteristics of the programme were a barrier in implementation in some local contexts, such as professionals experiencing parents being uncomfortable with participating in group sessions. Many professionals felt it was a daunting task to facilitate a group session. MANU was also incompatible with existing workflows. High turnover in the healthcare system makes it difficult to implement and sustain programmes. Professionals found it difficult to apply supervision provided by the MANU team and, at times, did not feel recognised in their efforts. Adaptations were made to MANU to fit local contexts. The identified determinants hindering local implementation link back to MANU’s complexity and inadequate preparatory investigations made into aspects influencing implementation during MANU’s conceptualisation and development. Many of the barriers identified could have been prevented by involving local community perspectives from professionals and families from the outset of MANU.
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Christine Ingemann; Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen; Siv Kvernmo; Dina Berthelsen; Vibeke AJ Biilmann; Birgitte M Kvist; Jaraq Lorentzen; Vibe K Nemming; Rie M Sarkov; Aininaq Willesen; Christina VL Larsen
Implementation science; Health promotion; Consolidated framework for implementation research; Health services; Arctic; Qualitative methods
Title of journal:
Global Implementation Research and Applications
Volume of journal:
DOI number:
A presentation of the entire corpus of Greenlandic reading primers from 1739 to 1946.
Britta Juska-Bacher; Matthew Grenby; Tuija Laine; Wendelin Sroka
Greenlandic catechism primers; Greenlandic reading primers
Place of publication:
Amsterdam and Philadelphia
Country of publication:
The Netherlands and USA
Host publication title:
Learning to Read, Learning Religion. Catechism primers in Europe from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries
Children's Literature, Culture, and Cognition, 14
Publication house:
John Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN number:
978 90 272 1282 5
2023 marks a milestone in the history of Greenlandic media. It is both the 41st anniversary of the first tv-programs broadcast to a Greenlandic audience in the Greenlandic language (November 1, 2023) and Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa & TV’s (KNR-TV) 10th year as a so-called niche channel broadcasting ma…
2023 marks a milestone in the history of Greenlandic media. It is both the 41st anniversary of the first tv-programs broadcast to a Greenlandic audience in the Greenlandic language (November 1, 2023) and Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa & TV’s (KNR-TV) 10th year as a so-called niche channel broadcasting mainly in-house productions in Greenlandic. The footage produced over this period provides unique glimpses into aspects of everyday life from all over Greenland, creating an invaluable media archive that is housed and maintained by KNR-TV. Through an analysis of this media archive supplemented by a survey of viewers’ perceptions of KNR-TV and its tv-programs, this article examines two central questions: 1) What is the role of the archive in KNR-TV programming? 2) How do viewers experience the many rebroadcasts on KNR-TV? It also examines the relationship between decreases in KNR-TV’s daily viewership and the rise of online media services as well as some of the challenges posed to the digitization of KNR-TV’s archive.
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KNR-TV; Arkiv; Seere; Genudsendelser; Public-service
Title of journal:
Grønlandsk kultur- og samfundsforskning
Volume of journal:
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The chapter considers Greenlandic AV material as cultural heritage by examining records from the 1990s of one local television (TV) station, TV-Aasiaat. These recordings constitute both tangible culture in the physical AV recordings themselves, and intangible culture, in the storytelling that they r…
The chapter considers Greenlandic AV material as cultural heritage by examining records from the 1990s of one local television (TV) station, TV-Aasiaat. These recordings constitute both tangible culture in the physical AV recordings themselves, and intangible culture, in the storytelling that they record. Storytelling traditions in Greenland reach back to time out of mind; AV records are one manifestation of this essential cultural form. Nonetheless, the framework for the preservation of cultural heritage in Greenland is focused on the tangible, material culture of built heritage and documentary or archival heritage.
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Audiovisual archives; Local tv; Greenlandic culture; Archival legislation; Cultural heritage; Storytelling
Place of publication:
London & New York
Country of publication:
England & America
Host publication title:
The Nordic Model of Digital Archiving
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Antallet af slædehunde i Grønland er faldet drastisk, og snescooteren har overtaget som det primære transportmiddel. Ph.d.-studerende Emma Vitale byggede en tro kopi af en gammel hundeslæde på egen hånd, for det er vigtigt at bevare kulturen.
Hundeslæde; Kultur; Slædehunde; Arkæologi; Forskning
Name of newspaper:
For at least 9000 years dogs have been pulling sleds across the Arctic, facilitating subsistence strategies and migrations. Despite the enduring presence of dogs in the Arctic there is an absence of comprehensive studies of the material culture associate with dog sledding, including the diverse tech…
For at least 9000 years dogs have been pulling sleds across the Arctic, facilitating subsistence strategies and migrations. Despite the enduring presence of dogs in the Arctic there is an absence of comprehensive studies of the material culture associate with dog sledding, including the diverse technical elements needed for the activity. This study proposes a framework for the recognition of reliable archaeological indicators of dog sledding. The outcome is based on comparisons between ethnographic information of the dog traction technology and archaeological sites from the Arctic regions of Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland using multivariate analysis. These sites were selected as case studies to encompass the breadth of geographical and Inuit cultural diversity where dog sledding traditionally has been practiced. We argue, that by using this framework it is possible to study dog sledding in the Arctic prior to the Thule Inuit period and gain more knowledge about the origin of the practice. By combining sources from ethnography, history and archaeology, our framework identified items involved in dog sledding that were universal to the practice as well as items that were regionally specific. However, the most reliable evidence for dog sledding is the presence of both sled parts, dog bones and equipment for harnessing the dogs.
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Arctic; Dog sledding; Archaeology; Material culture; Ethnography
Title of journal:
Journal of Archaeological Science
Volume of journal:
Volume 159
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DOI number:
Kan rekonstruktionen af en knap 100 år gammel hundeslæde afsløre ny viden om byggeteknikker og arkæologisk fortolkning? Hundeslæden er et symbol på den grønlandske kulturarv. Den var en af de vigtigste transportformer i det forhistoriske Grønland og var en central forudsætning for udbredelsen af præ…
Kan rekonstruktionen af en knap 100 år gammel hundeslæde afsløre ny viden om byggeteknikker og arkæologisk fortolkning? Hundeslæden er et symbol på den grønlandske kulturarv. Den var en af de vigtigste transportformer i det forhistoriske Grønland og var en central forudsætning for udbredelsen af præ-Inuitkulturen på tværs af det nordamerikanske Arktis. Alligevel er forskning i hundeslædekulturen et overset felt, især den materielle del. Og det er på trods af at slæde- og hundeudstyr ofte ses i arkæologiske sammenhænge og i etnografiske samlinger. Derfor satte jeg mig for at forsøge at udfylde et af hullerne i vores viden ved at bygge og teste en traditionel hundeslæde. Hvordan det gik – og hvordan det kan gøre os bedre til at forstå hundeslædekulturen – vil jeg fortælle om i denne artikel.
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Hundeslæde; Kultur; Slædehunde; Arkæologi; Forskning
Title of journal:
Qimuttoqarnermi qimussertarnermilu periutsip oqaluttuarisaanera qanoruna ilisimasaqarfigitigigipput?Assorsuunngitsoq. Qimuttummi atortua pingaarnerpaaq - qamutit - pillugit misissuisoqarpallaarsimanngilaq. Taamaammat itsarnisarsiooq aamma Ilisimatusarfimmi Københavns Universitetimilu ph.d.-mut ilinn…
Qimuttoqarnermi qimussertarnermilu periutsip oqaluttuarisaanera qanoruna ilisimasaqarfigitigigipput?Assorsuunngitsoq. Qimuttummi atortua pingaarnerpaaq - qamutit - pillugit misissuisoqarpallaarsimanngilaq. Taamaammat itsarnisarsiooq aamma Ilisimatusarfimmi Københavns Universitetimilu ph.d.-mut ilinniartoq, Emma Vitale,qamutit oqaluttuarisaanerilu misissorniarlugit aalajangersimavoq.
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Hundeslæde; Kultur; Slædehunde; Arkæologi; Forskning; Qimmeq
Name of newspaper:
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa
Introduction. In Voix Inuit: Archéologie Communautaire dans l’Arctique Nord-Américain
Title of journal:
Études Inuit Studies
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Introduction. In Inuit Voices: Community-Based Archaeology Across the North American Arctic
Title of journal:
Études Inuit Studies
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Inughuit nipaan: The future of partnership practices in Avanersuaq
Mari Kleist; M. Walls; G. Sadorana; O. Simigaq; A. Peary
Inughuit nipaan; Avanersuaq
Title of journal:
Études Inuit Studies
Volume of journal:
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Inughuit nipaan: Avanersuarmi itsarnisarsiornermik suleqatigiinnerup siunissaa
Mari Kleist; M. Walls; G. Sadorana; O. Simigaq; A. Peary
Inughuit nipaan; Avanersuarmi
Title of journal:
Études Inuit Studies
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Postpsykologi og nyuddannede sygeplejerskers følelsesmæssige reaktioner på arbejdsbetingelser i mediciske afsnit
Rikke Vinter Hedensted; Julie Wielandt Tejmers
Postpsykologi; Nyuddannede sygeplejersker
Gads Forlag
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Psykologi for Sundhedsprofessionelle
Greenland is a self-declared welfare society. In the present-day political discussions around independence, welfare is, paradoxically, a cornerstone in the political understanding of the country - and at the same time we see a lack of activity concerning new legislation, countrywide welfare strategi…
Greenland is a self-declared welfare society. In the present-day political discussions around independence, welfare is, paradoxically, a cornerstone in the political understanding of the country - and at the same time we see a lack of activity concerning new legislation, countrywide welfare strategies or communicated municipal social policies. Greenland is facing severe challenges when it comes to key areas such as cross-sectional efforts in stabilizing the social services concerning children, adolescents and families. We are experiencing a rise in violence against women, poverty and homelessness with an increase in Greenlanders leaving the country in search for better futures in Denmark. Historically, the social political focus was on children - together with widowers and the elderly. They formed the basis need for social services. Well-functioning adults, historically men, were the patriarchs of a society centered around hunting - in a Durkheimian mechanic system, where every member of the community had an important function. The shift from hunting to fishing in the 1910s coincided with a grand municipal plan, designed by the colonial power of Denmark, and called for structured social services. In modern times, the social policies of Greenland have officially been a matter of the Greenlandic people (since the Homerule Act of 1979). However, a more in-depth look at Greenland’s social history reveals a somewhat autonomous decision-making process since 1968. In light of a modern call for social political awareness, this chapter discusses the challenges of implementing Greenlandic social policies with a longitudinal focus.
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Pamela Stern
Social policy; Greenland; Social history
Place of publication:
New York
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
The Inuit World
Publication house:
ISBN number:
In this chapter, we examine the ways in which socio-structural forms—particularly social difference and social policy—frame the reproduction of houselessness and homelessness amongst Greenlanders in Nuuk, Greenland. In addition to examining the forms of marginalization embodied by Greenlanders exper…
In this chapter, we examine the ways in which socio-structural forms—particularly social difference and social policy—frame the reproduction of houselessness and homelessness amongst Greenlanders in Nuuk, Greenland. In addition to examining the forms of marginalization embodied by Greenlanders experiencing housing insecurity, we suggest that rising urban homelessness in Greenland represents the social dimensions of resettlement, rural-urban migration and social welfare institutionalization in local processes of urbanization. Moreover, the absence of specific social policy attention towards homelessness in general, and towards marginalized single adults specifically, is especially concerning. This policy gap serves to reproduce rural-urban homeless geographies in Greenland and between Greenland and Denmark, resulting not only in an increasing number of Greenlanders experiencing housing insecurity, but also in institutional geographies of homeless mobility that reflect persistent colonial relations embedded in resettlement and institutionalized social welfare.
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Pamela Stern
Homelessness; Nuuk; Greenland; Human geography
Place of publication:
New York
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
The Inuit World
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Over the past decade, Greenland has lifted and restored its ban on uranium mining amid the uncertainty of global uranium prices. This article investigates the dynamic interrelations between uranium commodity prices and the impacts of structural shocks, sketching key economic implications for Greenla…
Over the past decade, Greenland has lifted and restored its ban on uranium mining amid the uncertainty of global uranium prices. This article investigates the dynamic interrelations between uranium commodity prices and the impacts of structural shocks, sketching key economic implications for Greenland. Using a structural vector autoregressive model, this work analyses the changing relations between uranium prices, coal prices as well as real and financial variables from 1980 to 2019. The main findings are that the dynamics of uranium spot prices are diversely affected by shocks in combined real GDP, total electricity production from nuclear power, the interest rate, the real effective exchange rate, and the price of coal. The estimates also show that the pricing dynamics are important for future production and capital investment decisions. The analysis illustrates that despite the prevailing depressed uranium market, Greenland can still capitalize on future market developments. The country can anticipate benefiting from a short-run world supply disruption, a positive combination of macroeconomic shocks, and the long-term expansion of nuclear energy programs.
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Title of journal:
Energy Policy
DOI number:
Reports on fermented, animal-sourced foods made by Inuit around the circumpolar North have lacked consideration for their unique microbiota and the geo-socio-cultural contexts in which they are made, often resulting in reinforced negative stereotypes. Deficit-based approaches to studying Inuit ferme…
Reports on fermented, animal-sourced foods made by Inuit around the circumpolar North have lacked consideration for their unique microbiota and the geo-socio-cultural contexts in which they are made, often resulting in reinforced negative stereotypes. Deficit-based approaches to studying Inuit fermented foods overlook the fact that they have long been considered healthy and integral to Inuit diets. Inuit have deep knowledge on the harvesting, preparation, sharing, and consumption of fermented foods that research efforts must learn from and acknowledge. Our preliminary research into Inuit animal-sourced fermented foods expands current knowledge about the microorganisms needed to make them, and points to a potential to understand how these and other fermented foods impact the human gut microbiome. We provide recommendations for microbiological research on Inuit fermented foods that centers Inuit knowledge within the specific geographic, social, and cultural contexts in which these foods are made.
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Inuit fermentation practise; Equitable research
Title of journal:
Microbiome Research Reports
Volume of journal:
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DOI number:
Denne undersøgelse af frontmedarbejdernes perspektiver på praksis i sundhedsvæsenet er foretaget i forlængelse af undersøgelser af ledelsesperspektivet på sundhedsreformens effekter på organiseringen af sundhedsvæsenet efter reformen samt på borgernes perspektiver på sundhedsvæsenet.
Denne undersøgelse af frontmedarbejdernes perspektiver på praksis i sundhedsvæsenet er foretaget i forlængelse af undersøgelser af ledelsesperspektivet på sundhedsreformens effekter på organiseringen af sundhedsvæsenet efter reformen samt på borgernes perspektiver på sundhedsvæsenet.
Undersøgelsens formål er at afdække frontmedarbejdernes perspektiver på forandringer af praksis som følge af reformen og komme med input til hvordan reformens tiltag kan ændres og forbedres således at hensigterne med reformen i højere grad end nu kan indfries. I rapporten peger medarbejderne på muligheder og barrierer for at gennemføre reformens formål bl.a. ift. at styrke den primære sundhedstjeneste, at styrke befolkningens lige adgang til sundhedsydelser gennem telemedicin og dialog med borgerne, at fremme rekruttering og fastholdelse af personalet og at forbedre det tværsektorielle samarbejde med kommunerne.
Ud fra en analyse og diskussion af medarbejderinterviewene gives fire overordnede anbefalinger til forbedringer af sundhedspraksis på sundhedsreformens fokusområder:
1. Som forudsætning for at øge arbejdstilfredsheden og fastholde personalet anbefales det at det fastboende personales ressourcer anerkendes og videreudvikles. I lyset af udviklingen af sygdomsmønsteret i befolkningen vil kortuddannet personale desuden kunne påtage sig et stigende antal opgaver ifm. forebyggelse, sundhedsfremme og rehabilitering. Det kræver en samlet strategi for kompetenceudvikling af personalet i sundhedsvæsenet.
2. Det tilrådes at udarbejde en samlet personalepolitik for hele sundhedsvæsenet, der både har planer for hvordan personalesituationen løses på kort sigt, og hvordan der på langt sigt opbygges en stabil stab af fastboende, veluddannede medarbejdere. Dette indebærer den i punkt 1 omtalte strategi for kompetenceudvikling af personalet samt en strategi for lederudvikling ud fra fælles mål og værdier for sundhedsvæsenets udvikling.
3. Det anbefales at fremme et fokus på tværsektorielle patientforløb gennem fælles kompetenceudvikling af personalet i sundhedsvæsenet og kommunerne. Formålet er at opkvalificere det kommunale personales sundhedsfaglige kompetencer, at øge sundhedspersonalets indsigt i muligheder for forebyggelse, sundhedsfremme og rehabilitering samt at styrke samarbejdsrelationerne.
4. Der ligger store muligheder for forbedret effektivitet og kvalitet i sundhedsindsatserne og arbejdsglæde for medarbejderne i en bedre dialog med befolkningen. Stigningen i antallet af kronisk syge og ældre kalder i højere grad på samtaler om sundhedsudfordringer og i mindre grad på sygdomsbehandling. Det anbefales at opprioritere borgerinddragelse og dialog med befolkningen som sundhedsindsatser. Som et led heri anbefales det at aktivere telemedicin i hele sundhedsvæsenet samt fremskynde implementeringen af nyt telemedicinsk udstyr. Derudover beskrives en lang række konkrete redskaber til at styrke sundhedsreformens fokusområder.
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Sundhedsvæsenet; Medarbejderperspektiver; Sundhedsreformen 2010
Place of publication:
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Publication house:
Institut for Sygepleje & Sundhedsvidenskab
Peqqinnissaqarfimmik aaqqisuusseqqinnerup kingorna aaqqisuussinermut kiisalu innuttaasunut sunniutai aqutsisunit isigalugit misissuineqt nangillugu, atuisunik toqqaannartumik sullissisunit isigalugu Peqqinnissaqarfimmi sulinermik misissuineq ingerlanneqarpoq.
Aaqqisuusseqqinnermi siunertaasut maanna…
Peqqinnissaqarfimmik aaqqisuusseqqinnerup kingorna aaqqisuussinermut kiisalu innuttaasunut sunniutai aqutsisunit isigalugit misissuineqt nangillugu, atuisunik toqqaannartumik sullissisunit isigalugu Peqqinnissaqarfimmi sulinermik misissuineq ingerlanneqarpoq.
Aaqqisuusseqqinnermi siunertaasut maannamiit annertunerusumik piviusunngortinneqarsinnaanngorlugit, aaqqisuusseqqinnerup kingunerisaanik allannguinerit toqqaannartumik sullissisunit isigalugit qulaajaanissaq, kiisalu aaqqisuusseqqinnermi iliuuserisanik allannguinissamut pitsannguinissamullu isumassarsisitsinissaq, misissuinermi siunertaapput. Nalunaarusiami aaqqisuusseqqinnerup siunertaanik naammassinninnissamut- ilaatigut napparsimmaviit avataanni peqqinnissakkut sullissinermik nukittorsaanermut, qarasaasiakkut nakorsiartitsisarneq innuttaasunillu oqaloqateqarneq aqqutigalugit, innuttaasut peqqinnissakkut sullinneqarnermi assigiimmik periarfissinneqarnissaannik nukittorsaanermut, sulisussarsiniarnermi aalaakkaasunillu sulisoqarniarnermi siuarsaanermut kommuninillu, isumaginnittoqarfiit akimorlugit, suleqateqarnermik pitsanngorsaanermut tunngatillugu periarfissat akimmiffissallu, sulisunit tikkuarneqarput.
Sulisunik apersuinernik misissueqqissaarneq isummersornerlu aallaavigalugit, peqqinnissamut tunngatillugu Peqqinnissaqarfimmik aaqqisuusseqqinnermi qitiutinneqartuni periutsinut pitsanngorsaatissat pingaarnerit sisamat innersuussutaapput:
1. Sulisut nunaqavissut nukinginik akuersaarnissaq inerisaanissarlu sulinermik naammagisimaarinninnermik annertusaanissamut aalaakkaasunillu sulisoqarnissamut piumasaqaatitut innersuussutaavoq. Innuttaasuni nappaataasartut ineriartornerannit isigalugu, sulisut sivikitsumik ilinniagallit pitsaaliuinermut, peqqinnissamik siuarsaanermut piginnaanngorsaaqqinnermullu atatillugu suliassat annertusiartuinnartut isumagisinnaassavaataaq. Tamatumani Peqqinnissaqarfimmi sulisut piginnaasaannik inerisaanissamut ataatsimoorussamik iliuusissatut siunniussinissaq piumasaqaataavoq.
2. Sulisoqarniarnerup siunissaq qaninnerusoq isigalugu qanoq aaqqiiviginiarneqarnissaa, siunissarlu ungasinnerusoq isigalugu aalaakkaasunik nunaqavissunik ilinniarluarsimasunik sulisoqalernissamik pilersaarutitalimmik Peqqinnissaqarfik tamakkerlugu sulisoqarnermut politikkiliornissaq siunnersuutaavoq. Tamatuma imm. 1-imi oqaatigineqartoq; sulisut piginnaasaannik inerisaanissamut iliuusissatut siunniussineq kiisalu Peqqinnissaqarfiup inerisarnissaanut anguniakkatut siunniussat naleqartitallu ataatsimoorussat tunngavigalugit aqutsisut piginnaasatigut inerisaaviginissaannut iliuusissanik siunniussinissaq nassatarissavaa.
3. Pisortaqarfiit akimorlugit Peqqinnissaqarfimmi kommuninilu sulisunik ataatsimoorussamik piginnaasatigut inerisaaneq aqqutigalugu napparsimasut aqqusaartugassaannik ukkassinermik siuarsaanissaq innersuussutaavoq. Kommunini sulisut peqqinnissamut tunngatillugu piginnaasaannik qaffassaanissaq peqqinnissakkullu sullissisut pitsaaliuisinnaanermut, peqqinnissamik siuarsaanermut piginnaanngorsaaqqinnermullu tunngatillugu paasisimasaannik annertusaanissaq kiisalu suleqatigiinnernik nukittorsaanissaq siunertaapput.
4. Peqqinnissaq pillugu iliuuserisani eqaassutsimik pitsaassutsimillu annertunerulersitsinissamut, sulisullu pitsaanerusumik innuttaasunik oqaloqateqarnermikkut suliaminnik nunannarinnissaannut, annertuunik periarfissaqarpoq. Anigugassaanngitsunik nappaatillit utoqqaallu amerliartornerat, nappaatinik nakorsaaneq pivallaarnagu peqqinnissarli pillugu unammilligassat oqaloqatigiissutiginissaannik piumasaqaatitaqariartorpoq. Peqqinnissaq pillugu iliuusissatut innuttaasunik peqataatitsinissap oqaloqateqarnissallu salliunneqarnissaat innersuussutaavoq. Tamatumunnga atatillugu Peqqinnissaqarfik tamakkerlugu qarasaasiakkut nakorsiartitsisarnerup atuutilersinneqarnissaa qarasaasiakkullu nakorsiartitsinermi atortorissaarutinik nutaanik pilertornerusumik atuilernissaq innersuussutaavoq.
Tamatuma saniatigut Peqqinnissaqarfimmik aaqqisuusseqqinnermi ukkanneqartunik nukittorsaanissamut sakkussat tigussaasut arlalissuit nassuiarneqarput.
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Sundhedsvæsenet; Medarbejderperspektiver; Sundhedsreformen 2010
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Kalaallit Nunaat
Publication house:
Institut for Sygepleje & Sundhedsvidenskab
Die Hans-Egede-Statue
Colonialism; Decolonization; Politics of Remembrance
Name of newspaper:
Kulturaustausch: Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven
Volume & number:
72 (2)
Det åländska självstyrets kvaliteter - Demokrati, resurser och kompetens
Jan Sundberg ; Stefan Sjöblom
Åland; Självstyrelse; Inflöde och utflöde
Title of journal:
Finsk Tidskrift
Volume of journal:
Oy Nordprint Ab
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland 2020-imi novembarip decembarillu ingerlanerani nunanut allanut illersuinissamullu politiki pillugu Kalaallit Nunaanni innuttaasut isumasiorfigisimavaat. Tamanna Nuummi HS Analyse taavalu Stokholmimi Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung suleqatigalugit ingerlanneqarsimavoq…
Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland 2020-imi novembarip decembarillu ingerlanerani nunanut allanut illersuinissamullu politiki pillugu Kalaallit Nunaanni innuttaasut isumasiorfigisimavaat. Tamanna Nuummi HS Analyse taavalu Stokholmimi Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung suleqatigalugit ingerlanneqarsimavoq.
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Nunanut allanut sillimaniarnermullu
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Kalaallit Nunaat
Publication house:
ISBN number:
A diplomatic crisis was sparked in 2014 when the US awarded the Pituffik air base maintenance contract to an American company rather than a Greenlandic-Danish one. Following negotiations led to two Memoranda of Understanding between Greenland and the US, aiming to further develop cooperation on area…
A diplomatic crisis was sparked in 2014 when the US awarded the Pituffik air base maintenance contract to an American company rather than a Greenlandic-Danish one. Following negotiations led to two Memoranda of Understanding between Greenland and the US, aiming to further develop cooperation on areas within Greenlandic authority. The MoUs marked a new bilateral relationship between Greenland and the US and were followed up with an ‘economic growth package’ of initiatives funded by the US, amounting to USD 12 million. Taking these developments as case studies, and based, e.g., on qualitative interviews with Greenlandic, Danish, and American officials, this article sets out a process tracing analysis of why Greenland and the US chose to further their direct cooperation. The article also discusses whether and how the US-Greenlandic relationship has changed over the past two decades.
En diplomatisk krise blev udløst i 2014, da USA tildelte servicekontrakten på Pituffik-basen til en amerikansk virksomhed i stedet for en grønlandsk-dansk virksomhed. Efterfølgende forhandlinger førte til to grønlandsk-amerikanske aftalememoranda om videreudvikling af samarbejdet på områder inden for grønlandsk myndighedsansvar. De markerede et nyt bilateralt forhold mellem Grønland og USA og blev fulgt op af en “økonomisk vækstpakke” af initiativer finansieret af USA med 12 millioner USD. Med disse udviklinger som cases, og baseret på bl.a. kvalitative interviews med grønlandske, danske og amerikanske embedsmænd, præsenterer denne artikel først en procesanalyse af, hvorfor Grønland og USA valgte at fremme deres direkte samarbejde. Dernæst diskuterer artiklen, om og hvordan forholdet mellem USA og Grønland har ændret sig over de seneste to årtier.
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Kristian Fischer; Hans Mouritzen
Foreign policy; Self-determination; Diplomacy
Title of journal:
Danish Foreign Policy Review
Volume of journal:
DIIS - Danish Institute for International Studies
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
ISBN (print): 978-87-7236-083-6
Climate change leads to the deposition of substantial amounts of sediment along the coasts of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) amid rapidly growing global demand for these resources. Yet, little is known about what the predominantly Inuit population of Kalaallit Nunaat thinks about adaptation opportunit…
Climate change leads to the deposition of substantial amounts of sediment along the coasts of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) amid rapidly growing global demand for these resources. Yet, little is known about what the predominantly Inuit population of Kalaallit Nunaat thinks about adaptation opportunities arising from the melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Here we conduct a nationally representative survey (N = 939) of Kalaallit (Greenlanders’) views on glacially derived sand extraction, finding that large majorities support extracting and exporting sand but oppose foreign involvement. This pattern of support persists at both the national and subnational levels. Public preferences largely align with Kalaallit Nunaat’s current mineral policy mandating environmental and economic impact assessments of new resource opportunities. In addition, those aware of human-caused climate change have significantly higher odds of both supporting sand extraction and prioritizing environmental impact assessment. Our results reveal broad support for domestically involved, environmentally assessed and economically appraised opportunistic adaptation to Greenland’s melting ice sheet and accumulating sand resources.
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Greenland; Survey; Sand; Climate
Title of journal:
Nature Sustainability
Springer Nature
Country of publication:
DOI number:
The Åland Islands: 100 years of stability
Brian C.H. Fong; Atsuko Ichijo
Territorial autonomy; Self-government; Åland Islands
Place of publication:
London & New York
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Territorial Autonomies
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Frank Sowa
Litteratur; Migration; Grønland; Danmark; Postkolonialisme; Autonarration; Kim Leine; Henrik Pontoppidan; Lotte Inuk; Maliâraq Vebæk
Place of publication:
Opladen, Berlin & Toronto
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Grönland: Kontinuitäten und Brüche im Leben der Menschen in der Arktis
Publication house:
Budrich Academic Press
ISBN number:
Da Grønland i 2013 blev enig med sydkoreanske myndigheder om assistance til at kortlægge Grønland, var det både en kulmination på mange års dansk nedprioritering af deres myndighedsansvar mht. kortlægningen af Grønland, en udfordring for Rigsfællesskabets suverænitet og et udtryk for den stigende gl…
Da Grønland i 2013 blev enig med sydkoreanske myndigheder om assistance til at kortlægge Grønland, var det både en kulmination på mange års dansk nedprioritering af deres myndighedsansvar mht. kortlægningen af Grønland, en udfordring for Rigsfællesskabets suverænitet og et udtryk for den stigende globale interesse for Arktis. Aftalen med Sydkorea materialiserede sig aldrig i konkret kortlægning. I stedet blev et nyt dansk-grønlandsk projekt lanceret få år efter aftalen med Sydkorea. Det nye kortlægningsprojekt af Grønland skulle erstatte de gamle kort, der ikke var opdateret siden før den kolde krigs afslutning.
Rapporten her sætter den nye kortlægningsindsats ind i en historisk kontekst, som demonstrerer, hvordan der altid har været skiftende suveræne interesser involveret i kortlægning. Dette går helt tilbage til 1605, hvor de første små topografiske kort fra Grønland tjente til at markere dansk suverænitet. Senere, under 2. Verdenskrig, begyndte USA at kortlægge for at kunne anvende Grønland som en militærstrategisk ressource. I takt med at Grønland selv overtog ansvaret for egen udvikling og efterspurgte bedre kort, gik den danske kortlægning i stå. Siden afslutningen på den kolde krig har danske myndigheder ikke lavet nye kort over Grønland før det igangværende projekt blev lanceret i 2015. Set i det lys, foreslår rapporten her, at den igangværende kortlægning skal ses i kontekst af Grønlands voksende geostrategiske betydning, som samler både amerikanske, grønlandske og danske interesser.
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Grønland; Kortlægning; Suverænitet
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Kalaallit Nunaanni angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunik kisitsineq 2022 - misiliilluni kisitsineq pillugu nalunaarusiaq
2022-mi Kalaallit Nunaanni angerlarsimaffeqanngitsut amerlassusaat.
Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunik kisitsinermi matumani inuit 491-it nalunaarsorneqarput1. Kisitsineq illoqarfinni aqqanilinni ingerlanneqarpoq taamaattumillu angerlarsimaffeqanngitsut amerlassusaannik sukumiisumik paasititsivoq. Angerla…
2022-mi Kalaallit Nunaanni angerlarsimaffeqanngitsut amerlassusaat.
Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunik kisitsinermi matumani inuit 491-it nalunaarsorneqarput1. Kisitsineq illoqarfinni aqqanilinni ingerlanneqarpoq taamaattumillu angerlarsimaffeqanngitsut amerlassusaannik sukumiisumik paasititsivoq. Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunik kisitsineq manna nuna tamakkigajavillugu ingerlanneqarpoq – Qaanaamiit Nanortalimmut aamma Nuummiit Ittoqqortoormiunut.
Amerlanerpaat paasineqartut tassaapput inuit ersinngitsumik angerlarsimaffeqanngitsut. Nalunaarsorneqartut 293-iupput2. Tassaapput inuit isumalluutinik amigaateqarnertik pissutigalugu ilaquttani ikinngutinilu najugaqartariaqartut - imaluunniit attaveqarfinni tutsuiginarpallaanngitsuni najugaqartutut nalunaarsoqqanatik. Angerlarsimaffeqanngitsunik kisitsinerni tulliuttuni kisitsit taanna qularnanngitsumik allanngorumaarpoq.
Inuit ersittumik angerlarsimaffeqanngitsut amerlassusaat tassaavoq 183-it3. Tassani inuit pineqarput unnuisarfinni najugaqartut, tummeraqarfinni sinittartut imaluunniit containerini inissiani najugaqartut. Kisitsit taanna allanngorartuarpoq. Tamanna malunnarsissaaq siunissami kommunit isumaginninnermi neqeroorutinik amerlanerusunik pilersitsippata, imaluunniit naalakkersuinermut attuumassuteqanngitsumik suliniaqatigiiffiit (NGO´t) amerlanerusut takkuppata.
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Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Kalaallit Nunaat
Publication house:
Den grønlandske hjemløsetælling 2022 - pilottællingens oversigtsrapport
Antallet af hjemløse i Grønland 2022.
Der er opgjort 491 mennesker i denne hjemløsetælling1. Tællingen er gennemført i 11 byer og giver derfor et dybdegående indblik i omfanget af hjemløshed. Denne hjemløsetælling er næsten landsdækkende - fra Qaanaaq til Nanortalik og fra Nuuk til Ittoqqortoormiit…
Antallet af hjemløse i Grønland 2022.
Der er opgjort 491 mennesker i denne hjemløsetælling1. Tællingen er gennemført i 11 byer og giver derfor et dybdegående indblik i omfanget af hjemløshed. Denne hjemløsetælling er næsten landsdækkende - fra Qaanaaq til Nanortalik og fra Nuuk til Ittoqqortoormiit.
Størstedelen er konstateret blandt mennesker, som lever i usynlig hjemløshed. Her er der registreret 2932. Det er mennesker, som på grund af manglende ressourcer er nødsaget til at bo hos familie og venner - eller i et mere løst netværk uden at have en bopælsadresse. Dette tal vil sandsynligvis ændre sig i de kommende hjemløsetællinger.
Andelen af mennesker der lever i synlig hjemløshed er 1833. Her er der tale om mennesker, som bor på herberg, sover i opgange eller bor i containerboliger. Det er et tal, som er under forandring. Det vil komme til udtryk i forbindelse med, at kommunerne fremadrettet eventuelt opretter flere sociale tilbud på området, eller at der kommer flere NGO’er til.
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Hjemløshed; Kvantitativ forskning; Grønland; Sociale forhold
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Center for folkesundhed i Grønland har brugt Sharing Circles som metode ved to forskellige projekter, i henholdsvis 2019 og 2020. Ved det første projekt ”Brugernes oplevelse af det Grønlandske sundhedsvæsen” indgik fokusgruppeinterviews oprindeligt i det kvalitative undersøgelsesdesign. Men da under…
Center for folkesundhed i Grønland har brugt Sharing Circles som metode ved to forskellige projekter, i henholdsvis 2019 og 2020. Ved det første projekt ”Brugernes oplevelse af det Grønlandske sundhedsvæsen” indgik fokusgruppeinterviews oprindeligt i det kvalitative undersøgelsesdesign. Men da undersøgelsen om brugeres oplevelser af sundhedsvæsenet Olesen et al. (2020) havde fokus på folks oplevelser og perspektiver, både gode og dårlige, forekom det vigtigt at skabe en kulturelt tryg og sproglig inkluderende situation for deltagerne, samt have forståelse for en kulturelt forankret opfattelse af sundhed.
Formålet med denne håndbog er at beskrive hvordan vi i de nævnte forskningsprojekter har anvendt Sharing Circles som metode i håb om at kunne inspirere andre til at anvende metoden i fremtidige forskningsprojekter i Grønland. Derudover beskrives erfaringer og observationer fra de to undersøgelser. Denne håndbog vil forhåbentlig kunne inspirere, vejlede og understøtte studerende og forskere i deres arbejde med sundhedsfaglige- og sociale aspekter i dialog med den grønlandske befolkning.
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Forskningsmetode; Kultur; Fællesskab
Place of publication:
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Innuttaasut Peqqissusiannik Ilisimatusarfiup 2019-imi aamma 2020-mi suliniutini assigiinngitsuni marlunni Sharing Circles (kingorna Immersoqatigiiffiusumik isummersoqatigiinnermik taagorneqartoq) periutsitut atorpaa. Suliniummi siullermi ”Kalaallit Nunaanni peqqinnissaqarfik atuisut isaannit isigalu…
Innuttaasut Peqqissusiannik Ilisimatusarfiup 2019-imi aamma 2020-mi suliniutini assigiinngitsuni marlunni Sharing Circles (kingorna Immersoqatigiiffiusumik isummersoqatigiinnermik taagorneqartoq) periutsitut atorpaa. Suliniummi siullermi ”Kalaallit Nunaanni peqqinnissaqarfik atuisut isaannit isigalugu”-mi misissuiffigineqartunik itisiliilluni apersuineq misissuinerup ilusaanut ilaaqqaarpoq.
Peqqinnissaqarfimmilli atuisut misilittagaannik misissuinermi, Olesen et al., (2020), inuit misilittagaat, ajunngitsut pitsaanngitsullu, aamma isiginninnerat qitiutinneqarmata pingaarutilittut isigineqarpoq kulturikkut oqaatsitigullu toqqissisimanartumik akuutitsiffiusumillu tunngaveqarnissaq, kiisalu kulturikkut aallaavilimmik peqqinnermik paasinninnermik paasinninnissaq.
Najoqqutassiornermi matumani siunertarineqartoq tassaavoq ilisimatusaatigalugu misissuinerni taaneqartuni Immersoqatigiiffiusumik isummersoqatigiinneq periutsitut qanoq atorsimaneripput nassuiassallugu, Kalaallit Nunaanni siunissami ilisimatuussutsikkut misissuinernut periutsip atorneqarnissaanik isumassarsisitsisimassalluta neriuutigalugu. Tamatuma saniatigut misissuinerni taakkunani marlunni misilittakkat takusallu nassuiarneqarput. Neriuppugut najoqqutaq una ilinniartut aamma ilisimatusartut inuiaqatigiit kalaallit oqaloqatigalugit peqqissutsikkut- aamma inooqataanikkut tunngasuni suliaqarnerminni isumassarsiffigalugulu, ilitsersuutigalugulu iluaqutigisinnaassagaat.
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Ilisimatusarnermi periuseq; Kulturi ataatsimoornerlu
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Kalaallit Nunaat
Briefing note - definition af hjemløshed
Det er fagligt og politisk en udfordrende opgave at definere hjemløshed på nationalt og internationalt niveau. Fagligt skyldes det udfordringer med at afgrænse gruppen til for eksempel brugere af servicetilbud såsom: herberg, sovesale, varmestuer og sociale indsatser. Politisk har det handlet om, hv…
Det er fagligt og politisk en udfordrende opgave at definere hjemløshed på nationalt og internationalt niveau. Fagligt skyldes det udfordringer med at afgrænse gruppen til for eksempel brugere af servicetilbud såsom: herberg, sovesale, varmestuer og sociale indsatser. Politisk har det handlet om, hvordan man er gået til problemstillingen rent ideologisk. Tidligere har man politisk i USA og Europa talt om hjemløshed som en individuel og selvforskyldt problemstilling - og derfor en tilstand som den enkelte borger selv har måtte løse. Var dette ikke muligt, så fandtes der i tiden omkring etableringen af velfærdsstaterne forskellige indsatser gennem kirker, frivillige organisationer, eller i nogle lande offentlige tilbud. I dag tales der i moderne velfærdsstater om hjemløshed som en strukturel problemstilling som kan være forårsaget af boligkriser, lokal og national arbejdsløshed, og de nyere store økonomiske udsving, som har påvirket globale markeder og nationale økonomier.
Sidst i denne briefing note gives et bud på en primær kategori af hjemløshed, som indbefatter tilstandene synlig og usynlig (skjult) hjemløshed. Den sekundære kategori indbefatter tilstande af risikobetonet hjemløshed og funktionel hjemløshed.
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Definition af hjemløshed
End date:
Ilisimatitsinermi nassuiaat - Angerlarsimaffeqannginermit nassuiaat
Suliatigut politikikkullu angerlarsimaffeqannginneq naalagaaffimmi nunallu assigiinngitsut akornanni nassuiaatissallugu unammillernartarpoq. Suliatigut peqqutaavoq, umammillernarami eqimattat killilissallugit, assersuutigalugu innuttaasunut neqeroorutit soorlu: akunnittarfik, inersuaq sinittarfik, k…
Suliatigut politikikkullu angerlarsimaffeqannginneq naalagaaffimmi nunallu assigiinngitsut akornanni nassuiaatissallugu unammillernartarpoq. Suliatigut peqqutaavoq, umammillernarami eqimattat killilissallugit, assersuutigalugu innuttaasunut neqeroorutit soorlu: akunnittarfik, inersuaq sinittarfik, kialaarfiit isumaginninnermilu suliniutit. Politikkikkut sammineqarnikuuvoq, ajornartorsiut qanoq isummerfigineqarnikuunersoq. Siornatigut politikkikkut USA-mi aamma Europami angerlarsimaffeqannginneq pillugu eqqartorneqarnikuuvoq, inuttut nammineq ajornartorsiutaasoq – taamaattumillu innuttaasoq pineqartoq nammineq iliuuseqarfigisariaqarsimallugu. Periarfissaasimanngippat naalagaaffinnit atugarissaarfiusunit pilersitsinerup nalaani assigiinngitsunik suliniuteqarnermi peqarpoq oqaluffiit, kajumissutsimik peqatigiiffiit, imaluunniit nunani ilaanni pisortani neqeroorutit aqqutigalugit. Ullumikkut naalagaaffinni atugarissaarfinni nutaanerusuni angerlarsimaffeqannginneq eqqartortarpaat soorlu pissutsinik tunngasunik ajornartorsiutaasoq1,2, peqqutigisinnaalluugu inissiamit nalaatsorlunnerit, illoqarfimmi nunamilu sulinngiffeqarneq, aningaasaqarnikkullu nutaanerit annertuumik allanngorarnerit, nunarsuarmi tuniniaavinni naalagaaffinnilu aningaasaqarnikkut sunnersimallugit.
Ilisimatitsinermi nassuiaammi naggataani angerlarsimaffeqannginnermit pingaarnertut immikkoortiterineq siunnersuutaavoq, ilagai ersilluni ersinngitsumillu (isertortumik) angerlarsimaffeqannginneq. Pingaarnertut aappaattut immikkoortiterinermi ilagai angerlarsimaffeqannginnissamut navianartorsiorneq, angerlarsimaffeqannginnissamut qanittut.
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Kapacitetsopbygning med 'Gadeteamet' i Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq
Et tilfældigt møde mellem forskere fra Ilisimatusarfiks Center for Arktisk Velfærd (ICAV) og Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs 'Gadeteamet' førte til et igangværende kapacitetsopbyggende forskningssamarbejde. Mødet gav et unikt indblik i gadeteamets arbejdsprocedure og i, hvorledes en vigtig social ydelse m…
Et tilfældigt møde mellem forskere fra Ilisimatusarfiks Center for Arktisk Velfærd (ICAV) og Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs 'Gadeteamet' førte til et igangværende kapacitetsopbyggende forskningssamarbejde. Mødet gav et unikt indblik i gadeteamets arbejdsprocedure og i, hvorledes en vigtig social ydelse målrettes særligt Nuuks udsatte voksne og hjemløse borgere. Gadeteamets
teamkoordinator påpegede under mødet, at teamets ansatte manglede relevante kvalifikationer og kompetencer, hvilket forringede
gadeteamets faglige indsats. Siden Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq ikke selv kunne forbedre den faglige oplæring af gadeteamet, og et
tilsvarende kursusudbud eller uddannelse ikke findes, besluttede vi (ICAV) os for at indgå i et samarbejde med kommunen og udbyde et kursus til gadeteamet. Dermed startede et deltagende aktionsforskningsprojekt for at forstå gadeteamets opkvalificeringsbehov og en styrkelse af gadeteamets kapacitet. I marts 2022 gennemførte vi tre dages grunduddannelse med gadeteamet og to ansatte fra nødherberget i Nuuk
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Kapacitetsopbygning; Socialt arbejde; Hjemløshed; Gadeplansarbejde
Title of journal:
Tidsskriftet Grønland
Volume of journal:
Det Grønlandske Selsskab
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ISSN number:
Krimi; Arctic Noir; Kerstin Ekman; Litteratur
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ISBN number:
978-87-90197-11-7 /978-87-90197-12-4
Pinerluttulersaarut; Arctic Noir; Kerstin Ekman; Pinerluttulersaarut
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Kalaallit Nunaat
Host publication title:
Publication house:
ISBN number:
978-87-90197-15-5 /978-87-90197-16-2
Crime fiction; Arctic Noir; Kerstin Ekman; Literature
Place of publication:
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Publication house:
Ilisimatusarfik/ University of Greenland
ISBN number:
978-87-90197-13-1 /978-87-90197-14-8
Trap Grønland giver en omfattende og rigt illustreret, stedsspecifik viden om Grønlands natur og landskab, historie, kultur, samfunds- og erhvervsforhold samt byerne og bygderne.
Rasmus Leander Nielsen har bidraget med afsnit om Grønlands selvstyre, politik og forvaltning (ca. 25 sider).
TRAP Danmark
Grønlandsk politik og forvaltning
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
TRAP Grønland
Publication house:
TRAP Danmark
ISBN number:
On 14 June 2022, an agreement between Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, resolved the long-standing dispute over the sovereignty of Hans Island (which is known as Tartupaluk in Greenlandic) by creating a land boundary. We discuss the Whiskey War-ordeal and the recent bargai…
On 14 June 2022, an agreement between Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, resolved the long-standing dispute over the sovereignty of Hans Island (which is known as Tartupaluk in Greenlandic) by creating a land boundary. We discuss the Whiskey War-ordeal and the recent bargaining solution.
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Lassi Heininen; Heather Exner-Pirot; Justin Barnes
Arctic; Hans Island; Canada; Greenland
Title of journal:
Arctic Yearbook
Volume of journal:
Vol. 11
Arctic Portal
Country of publication:
The following note reports on an ongoing participatory action research (PAR) collaboration between Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs’ ‘Street Team’ and the Centre for Arctic Welfare (CAR) in Nuuk, Greenland. The primary task of the street team is to undertake outreach social work in areas and institutions i…
The following note reports on an ongoing participatory action research (PAR) collaboration between Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs’ ‘Street Team’ and the Centre for Arctic Welfare (CAR) in Nuuk, Greenland. The primary task of the street team is to undertake outreach social work in areas and institutions in Nuuk where marginalised and vulnerable adults frequent. The main aim of this outreach work is to establish contacts, build relationships, and unravel the underlying issues faced by the adults in focus. Subsequently, we build bridges between the individual needing help and the appropriate municipal agency.
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Capacity building; Nuuk; Homelessness; Street-level work
Title of journal:
Northern Notes
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
nternational Arctic Social Sciences Association Secretaria
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
I artiklen tages der afsæt i enkeltstående eksempler på fattigdom og hjemløshed, som udfoldes til en socialpolitisk problemstilling omkring råb efter tiggende mennesker i Nuuk. Her analyseres det, hvorledes et land med en historisk kollektiv opfattelse af fællesskabets indlejrede værdi og nødvendigh…
I artiklen tages der afsæt i enkeltstående eksempler på fattigdom og hjemløshed, som udfoldes til en socialpolitisk problemstilling omkring råb efter tiggende mennesker i Nuuk. Her analyseres det, hvorledes et land med en historisk kollektiv opfattelse af fællesskabets indlejrede værdi og nødvendighed i dag viser individualiseringstendenser. Det nutidige fokus på arbejdslivet, på mennesker, som omtales som en ressource i tråd med råstoffer og andet materiel, har eroderet det tidligere fokus på kollektivet og i stedet skubbet individet i forgrunden. Det karakteriseres her som en individualiseringstendens.
Det ses i skoleparathedsundersøgelser i daginstitutionerne, hvor børn testes, om de er parate til at passe ind i systemet. Det fortsætter i voksenlivet, hvor individet ansvarliggøres for makrosociologiske trends som hjemløshed og fattigdom. Det grønlandske samfund fokuserer i dag på, hvordan individet klarer sig, og ikke om kollektiver som offentlige institutioner og det overordnede samfund har en rummelig og inkluderende kapacitet. Fokusset overskygger makrosociologiske refleksioner over de sociale systemers indretning.
Artiklen stiller sig kritisk over for tendenser til at udpege individet som eneansvarlig for at håndtere sociale problemer som fattigdom og hjemløshed og præsenterer derfor, hvorledes man socialpolitisk skaber et modtræk hertil.
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Fattigdom; Hjemløshed; Kollektivitet; Individualisme; Tiggeri
Title of journal:
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
Volume of journal:
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Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
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ISSN number:
In this article, the concept of “micro media system” is introduced to describe the relations between media and politics in microstates and societies. Drawing on ideas from the literature on democracy in microstates (Benedict, 1967; Corbett and Veenendaal, 2018; Sarapuu and Randma-Liiv, 2020), it is…
In this article, the concept of “micro media system” is introduced to describe the relations between media and politics in microstates and societies. Drawing on ideas from the literature on democracy in microstates (Benedict, 1967; Corbett and Veenendaal, 2018; Sarapuu and Randma-Liiv, 2020), it is argued that despite their many differences, the smallest media systems share four characteristics linked to their micro size: (1) government domination, (2) high social integration and overlapping role-relationships, (3) multi-functionalism among journalists and media outlets, and (4) dependence on few individuals. These characteristics of micro media systems can weaken the media’s position in society vis-à-vis other institutions. Whereas previous research on small media systems (e.g., Puppis, 2009) has considered size as a binary variable, in this article it is argued that the size of media systems is better perceived as a continuous variable. This implies that the characteristics of micro media systems become more pronounced the smaller the media system.
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Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Microstates; Small states; Media systems; Size; Political communication; News media; Journalism
Title of journal:
International Communication Gazette
DOI number:
As a self-governing nation that exercises jurisdiction over most policy areas, Greenland is constantly testing its foreign policy and self-determination action space. Predominantly having aimed at increasing its action space towards Denmark, especially since inaugurating home rule in 1979 and self-g…
As a self-governing nation that exercises jurisdiction over most policy areas, Greenland is constantly testing its foreign policy and self-determination action space. Predominantly having aimed at increasing its action space towards Denmark, especially since inaugurating home rule in 1979 and self-government in 2009, Greenland has for the past decade been increasing its engagement as a direct partner to the US. In this paper, I analyse three cases where the Greenland-Denmark-US relations in different ways are delimited and affected by great power relations between the US, China, and Russia. In doing so, I demonstrate how Greenland increasingly uses its action space to affect the outcome of policies and initiatives that lie within the ‘grey zones’ between Greenlandic and Danish power relations. The paper contributes to the understanding of how state-like actors balance their relations in ambiguous ways towards larger states and creates action spaces to determine their own futures. The article argues that Greenland, by balancing the internal and external limitations determined by Greenland’s relations to Denmark and the US, is creating an ambiguous action space, where Greenlandic politicians can and do affect their action options. At the same time, these politicians must acknowledge that Greenland’s action space is constantly evolving against a backdrop of deepening relations between Nuuk and Washington, as well as increasing international tensions. The article is based on an analysis of official documents, media outlets and elite interviews.
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Duncan Depledge
Foreign policy; Self-determination; Diplomacy
Title of journal:
The Polar Journal
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Taylor & Francis Online
DOI number:
"Henter du kaffen?"
Formålet med projektet har været at frembringe indsigt i kønsulighed i virksomheder og administration og på baggrund heraf tilbyde nye perspektiver og forståelser, der gør det muligt at skabe en positiv udvikling. På baggrund af analysens empiriske materiale og konklusioner fremskrives fire anbefali…
Formålet med projektet har været at frembringe indsigt i kønsulighed i virksomheder og administration og på baggrund heraf tilbyde nye perspektiver og forståelser, der gør det muligt at skabe en positiv udvikling. På baggrund af analysens empiriske materiale og konklusioner fremskrives fire anbefalinger. De kan være startskuddet til de virksomheder, der ønsker at gå ind i arbejdet for at fremme ligestillingen i egen organisation.
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Mette Apollo Rasmussen; Poul Bitsch Olsen
Ledelse; Ligestilling; Grønland; Køn; Organisationer
Country of publication:
"Kaffi aassaviuk?"
Suliniummi siunertaavoq suliffeqarfinni allaffissornermilu suiaassutsikkut naligiinngittoqarneranik paasisimasaqalerrnissaq, tassanngalu pitsaasumik ineriartuutaasussanik isiginnittaatsinik paasisanillu nutaanik tunniussinissaq. Misissuinermi paasisat aallaavigalugit sisamanik innersuussuteqarpoq. T…
Suliniummi siunertaavoq suliffeqarfinni allaffissornermilu suiaassutsikkut naligiinngittoqarneranik paasisimasaqalerrnissaq, tassanngalu pitsaasumik ineriartuutaasussanik isiginnittaatsinik paasisanillu nutaanik tunniussinissaq. Misissuinermi paasisat aallaavigalugit sisamanik innersuussuteqarpoq. Taakkua suliffeqarfinni naligiissitaanermik siuarsaarusuttunut aallarniutaasinnaapput.
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Mette Apollo Rasmussen; Poul Bitsch Olsen
Kalaallit Nunaat; Aqutsisut; Naligiissitaaneq
Country of publication:
Kalaallit Nunaat
Micro media systems
In this article, the concept of “micro media system” is introduced to describe the relations between media and politics in microstates and societies. Drawing on ideas from the literature on democracy in microstates (Benedict, 1967; Corbett and Veenendaal, 2018; Sarapuu and Randma-Liiv, 2020), it is…
In this article, the concept of “micro media system” is introduced to describe the relations between media and politics in microstates and societies. Drawing on ideas from the literature on democracy in microstates (Benedict, 1967; Corbett and Veenendaal, 2018; Sarapuu and Randma-Liiv, 2020), it is argued that despite their many differences, the smallest media systems share four characteristics linked to their micro size: (1) government domination, (2) high social integration and overlapping role-relationships, (3) multi-functionalism among journalists and media outlets, and (4) dependence on few individuals. These characteristics of micro media systems can weaken the media's position in society vis-à-vis other institutions. Whereas previous research on small media systems (e.g., Puppis, 2009) has considered size as a binary variable, in this article it is argued that the size of media systems is better perceived as a continuous variable. This implies that the characteristics of micro media systems become more pronounced the smaller the media system.
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Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Microstates; Small states; Media systems; Size; Political communication; News media; Journalism
Title of journal:
International Communication Gazette
DOI number:
Grønland må finde tilbage til kollektivet
Kollektivismen er under pres i Grønland. En aktiv socialpolitik kan styrke en national og lokal fællesskabsånd.
De første 100 års døgninstitutioner
Antallet af sociale anbringelser uden for hjemmet i Grønland er stigende, imens antallet af børn er faldende – og har være faldende de sidste 20 år. I 2021 blev der født 761 børn, og ifølge Grønlands statistik er det, det laveste fødselstal siden 2. verdenskrig. Som tallene ser ud lige nu, og hvis d…
Antallet af sociale anbringelser uden for hjemmet i Grønland er stigende, imens antallet af børn er faldende – og har være faldende de sidste 20 år. I 2021 blev der født 761 børn, og ifølge Grønlands statistik er det, det laveste fødselstal siden 2. verdenskrig. Som tallene ser ud lige nu, og hvis der ikke sker markante ændringer på anbringelsesområdet, så vil omkring 40 af de børn kunne se frem til måske at blive anbragt uden for hjemmet i en kortere eller længere periode af deres liv.
Denne artikel belyser først anbringelsesområdet i et historiske perspektiv, og dernæst viser den hvordan anbringelsesområdet ser ud i dagens Grønland. Afslutningsvist diskuteres de næste bedste skridt inden for anbringelsesområdet, samt hvilken læring der kan drages af tidligere tiders måde at anbringe på.
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Døgninstitutioner; Anbringelser; Udsatte børn og unge; Børnehjem
Title of journal:
Dansk Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
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Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
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I forbindelse med byggeriet af en ny døgninstitution for børn og unge i Nuuk, har bygherre ønsket at inddrage anbragte børns stemmer i en tidlig fase af projektet, for at tilgodese anbragte børns ønsker og behov i det nye byggeri. Artiklen viser metode og resultater for det inddragelsesarbejde der f…
I forbindelse med byggeriet af en ny døgninstitution for børn og unge i Nuuk, har bygherre ønsket at inddrage anbragte børns stemmer i en tidlig fase af projektet, for at tilgodese anbragte børns ønsker og behov i det nye byggeri. Artiklen viser metode og resultater for det inddragelsesarbejde der foregik i efteråret 2021.
Imidlertid var der ikke afsat ressourcer til at tale med børnene eller udarbejde et design for hvordan resultaterne skal bruges. Dermed kan projektet let kan komme til at virke som om, at formålet mere var at signalere inddragelse, end reel inddragelse. Artiklen drøfter derfor ligeledes inddragelsesniveauet i Harts forståelsesramme for inddragelse af børn i voksnes projekter.
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Døgninstitutioner; Anbringelser; Udsatte børn og unge; Børnehjem; Inddragelse
Title of journal:
Tidsskriftet Grønland
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Tidsskriftet Grønland
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En beskrivelse af at være anbragt på et børnehjem i Grønland.
Jeg føler mig som et spøgelse; Jeg kan ikke ses-agtigt
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Mediehistorie; Nyheder
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Tusagassiutit oqaluttuarisaanerat; Nutaarsiassat
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Kalaallit Nunaat
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Media history; News; Television
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Kritisk Psykologi
Kapitlet giver en indføring i en socialpsykologisk analyseramme kaldet Kritisk Psykologi. Først gøres der rede for det grundlæggende teoretiske udgangspunkt for Kritisk Psykologi, og hvordan de psykologiske grundbegreber er udviklet.
Herefter beskrives nogle centrale begreber i Kritisk Psykologi; d…
Kapitlet giver en indføring i en socialpsykologisk analyseramme kaldet Kritisk Psykologi. Først gøres der rede for det grundlæggende teoretiske udgangspunkt for Kritisk Psykologi, og hvordan de psykologiske grundbegreber er udviklet.
Herefter beskrives nogle centrale begreber i Kritisk Psykologi; det vises gennem eksempler, hvordan analysen af praksis vha. de kritisk psykologiske begreber kan sætte de sundhedsprofessionelle i stand til at reflektere over deres egne og patienternes tanker, følelser og handlinger, og hvordan disse relaterer sig til både strukturelle og relationelle betingelser for praksis i sundhedsvæsenet og til patienternes livsbetingelser. Psykiske reaktioner forstås således i deres sociale sammenhænge, ikke som indre psykiske processer.
Til sidst gives et eksempel på en patientsituation i sundhedspraksis, og hvordan situationen kan analyseres ved hjælp af begreberne.
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Rikke Vinter Hedensted; Julie Wielandt Tejmers
Socialpsykologi; Patientinddragelse; Analyse af patientforløb
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Psykologi og sundhedspsykologi for sundhedsprofessionelle
Publication house:
Gads Forlag
ISBN number:
Meqqat; Angerlarsimaffik
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Children; Out-of-home-care
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This article presents a case study of a school class for children with special needs in a Greenlandic elementary school, where education outside the classroom (EOtC) is practised by using hunting and other traditional use of Greenlandic nature as a foundation for interdisciplinary teaching. The stud…
This article presents a case study of a school class for children with special needs in a Greenlandic elementary school, where education outside the classroom (EOtC) is practised by using hunting and other traditional use of Greenlandic nature as a foundation for interdisciplinary teaching. The students live in a residential institution because they have been exposed to neglect and traumatic events at home. That has caused that they have been relocated from their family and hometown and have changed school. The study examines how students respond to school, when hunting, the Greenlandic dog sled and traditional use of Greenlandic plants are used in the school’s lessons. Observation and interviews show that this form of teaching motivates students and have at positive impact on their academic performance and social and personal development. Mastery experiences, authenticity, a smooth room and positive relationships between teacher and student as well as between students are important elements in this positive experience of school. The research can provide inspiration for a pedagogy in the Greenlandic elementary school that creates motivation and interest for school. It would be relevant to study if this way of practice EOtC will have any long-term effect on the students.
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Helle Rabøl Hansen; Julie Kordovsky
Udeskole; Den grønlandske folkeskole; Udeliv; Udeundervisning; Grønlandske traditioner; Grønlandsk kultur; Naturbrug; Jagt
Title of journal:
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
Volume of journal:
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Forening
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ISSN number:
The development project The Teacher Student as Educational Designers was initiated in 2018 at the Teachers’ Training College (TTC) at University of Greenland, aiming to increase the teacher students´ competences as educational designers with a focus on teaching adults. During the project, students w…
The development project The Teacher Student as Educational Designers was initiated in 2018 at the Teachers’ Training College (TTC) at University of Greenland, aiming to increase the teacher students´ competences as educational designers with a focus on teaching adults. During the project, students were involved in planning, execution, and evaluation of teaching at TTC, and participated in reflections and dialogues in student teams. The project was based on the assumption that teaching competence is developed through reflections at three competence levels, cf. Erling Lars Dale, and that students´ motivation is increased when three basic psychological needs are met cf. The Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000). The findings presented in this article are based on 41 students´ answers in a standardized qualitative evaluation form, and the four authors’ reflections on the project. The students’ answers were analyzed based on Anja Gabrielsen’s approach to Constructing Grounded Theory (Gabrielsen, 2018). The students’ answers underlined six categories: Group work, Teachers competencies, Dissemination promotes professional understanding, Language of instruction, Peer to peer, Body and learning and Second order pedagogy, indicating which educational design competences the students´ were developing through the project; relational competence, classroom management competence and educational design competence, respectively. The project also contributed to the development of teacher identity and increased the teacher students’ ability for reflection, both in relation to their own learning, different roles in group work, teaching of fellow students as well as reflections on second order pedagogy. The pedagogical space provided by the development project supported the teacher students to work at Dale’s three competence levels. The project allowed for co-creative teaching and an open framework for the educational design, which increased the students´ teacher competences and motivation.
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Kirsten Føns; Kamilla Frimodt Madsen; Agnete Klitsø Blicher; Lisa Korneliussen
Helle Rabøl Hansen; Julie Kordovsky
Læreruddannelsen; Lærerstuderende; Didaktisk design; Didaktisk samtale
Title of journal:
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
Volume of journal:
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Forening
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Special territories in the European Union
Tove H. Malloy; Balázs Vizi
Minority politics; EU; Special territories
Place of publication:
Cheltenham and Northampton
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union
Publication house:
Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN number:
Etablering af den moderne barndom i Grønland
Undersøgelse af daginstitutioners og børnehavers historiske tilblivelse i Grønland i efterkrigstiden. Diskussion af offentlig og professionaliseret forvaltning af "den gode barndom" i Grønland. Forslag til integration af elementer af grønlandsk opdragelseskultur i daginstitutioners arbejde.
Barndom; Daginstitutioner; Børnehaver; Red Barnet; G50; G60; Pædagog; Professionalisme; Kulturmøde; Opdragelse
Title of journal:
Pædagogisk psykologisk tidsskrift
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Place of publication:
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
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ISSN number:
This report presents new and updated knowledge about Nordic coastal communities and their socio-economic situation. We investigate key structures and value chains in eight coastal communities in Greenland, Iceland, the Faroes, and Norway. The report highlights local variations in the interaction bet…
This report presents new and updated knowledge about Nordic coastal communities and their socio-economic situation. We investigate key structures and value chains in eight coastal communities in Greenland, Iceland, the Faroes, and Norway. The report highlights local variations in the interaction between value chains and local resilience and provides a comparative perspective. The report uncovers new trends and important development characteristics for Nordic coastal communities, with diversification, continued household-based activities and person-specific factors found to be key for success in business life and for resilience at the local level. Our results also call into question some of the challenges and conventional truths facing coastal community development in a period where solutions are being sought for sustainability and the climate challenge.
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Coastal communities; Value chains; Resilience; Sustainability; Arctic; Nordic Atlantic
Publication house:
Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN number:
978-92-893-7437-8 (pdf)
Coastal communities; Nordic Atlantic; Socio-economic development
Host publication title:
Value Chains and Resilient Coastal Communities in the Nordic Atlantic
Publication house:
Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN number:
978-92-893-7437-8 (pdf)
Nordic coastal communities; Value chains; Resilience; Sustainabilty; Nordic Atlantic
Host publication title:
Value Chains and Resilient Coastal Communities in the Nordic Atlantic
Publication house:
Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN number:
978-92-893-7437-8 (pdf)
Coastal communities; Value chains; Resilience; Tvøroyri; Vágur
Host publication title:
Value Chains and Resilient Coastal Communities in the Nordic Atlantic
Publication house:
Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN number:
978-92-893-7437-8 (pdf)
Value chains; Resilience; Coastal communities; Nanortalik; Narsaq
Publication house:
Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN number:
978-92-893-7437-8 (pdf)
Coastal communities; Value chains; Resilience; Sustainabilty; Nordic Atlantic
Host publication title:
Value Chains and Resilient Coastal Communities in the Nordic Atlantic
Publication house:
Nordic Council of Ministers
Background: The transition to parenthood has received increasing attention in research, partly due to evidence pointing out the crucial developmental period of a child’s first thousand days. Parenting programmes aim to prepare and support families in their transition and distress. For a programme to…
Background: The transition to parenthood has received increasing attention in research, partly due to evidence pointing out the crucial developmental period of a child’s first thousand days. Parenting programmes aim to prepare and support families in their transition and distress. For a programme to be implemented successfully it is important to consider parents’ needs and resources. Bringing parents’ perspectives and experiences to the forefront of the implementation of the Greenlandic parenting programme MANU 0–1 Year (MANU) is important for determining if the programme can meet its aim of contributing to thriving families. This study aims to investigate how parents’ notions and experiences of parenthood are reflected and challenged in MANU. Method: Data were collected in three of Greenland’s five municipalities. Qualitative interviews were held with 38 mothers and 12 fathers either individually or as couples: a total of 40 interviews. Additionally, a Sharing Circle with three fathers was held. Interviews were in Greenlandic or Danish. A thematic, inductive analysis was applied. Results: In their transition to parenthood, participants experienced a reprioritisation of their life and changes in their network. It is important to parents that their child experiences security and care, and participants describe this in contrast to their own childhood. Community is the most important value in child‑rearing. Conversations and advice from family members and friends are mentioned as a means to prepare for birth and parenthood. Additionally, conversations with midwives and MANU sessions were also used for preparation. Parents appreciated learning from and listening to other parents in MANU sessions. However, accessing MANU depends on the individual parent’s interest and ability to attend sessions. Conclusions: Parents’ notions and experiences of parenthood are addressed in the programme, but the use of MANU depends on the parents’ attendance and how it is organised and locally offered. The study suggests that MANU has the possibility to create a space for parents to reflect and prepare. However, for MANU to be universal as intended and to reach both mother and father the facilitation of sessions could be revisited.
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User perspective; Parenting program; Parent education; Preparation; Implementation; Arctic; Circumpolar; Qualitative methods; Indigenous perspective; Thematic analysis
Title of journal:
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
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DOI number:
Since 1993, regular population health surveys in Greenland have supported and monitored the public health strategy of Greenland and have monitored cardiometabolic and lung diseases. The most recent of these surveys included 2539 persons aged 15+ from 20 communities spread over the whole country. The…
Since 1993, regular population health surveys in Greenland have supported and monitored the public health strategy of Greenland and have monitored cardiometabolic and lung diseases. The most recent of these surveys included 2539 persons aged 15+ from 20 communities spread over the whole country. The survey instruments included personal interviews, self-administered questionnaires, blood sampling, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, ECG, oral glucose test, pulmonary function, hand grip strength and chair stand test. Blood samples were analysed for glucose, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin, incretin hormones, cholesterol, kidney function, fatty acids in erythrocyte membranes and mercury, urine for albumin-creatinine ratio, and aliquots were stored at −80°C for future use. Data were furthermore collected for studies of the gut microbiome and diabetes complications. Survey participants were followed up with register data. The potential of the study is to contribute to the continued monitoring of risk factors and health conditions as part of Greenland’s public health strategy and to study the epidemiology of cardiometabolic diseases and other chronic diseases and behavioural risk factors. The next population health survey is planned for 2024. The emphasis of the article is on the methods of the study and results will be presented in other publications.
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Inuit; Greenland; Social determinants; Cardiometabolic diseases; Airway diseases; Risk factors; Population health survey
Title of journal:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volume of journal:
DOI number:
The development of the Greenlandic written language is reviewed, and all Greenlandic literature before 1900 is discussed. A short outline of the overwhelming number of Greenlandic publications appearing in the twentieth century concludes the article. It is demonstrated that the history of Greenlandi…
The development of the Greenlandic written language is reviewed, and all Greenlandic literature before 1900 is discussed. A short outline of the overwhelming number of Greenlandic publications appearing in the twentieth century concludes the article. It is demonstrated that the history of Greenlandic literature begins with catechisms and their utopian journey to heaven. Since the entire western Greenlandic society was Christianized early in the 19th century, literacy has been used for many other purposes than strictly religious or utilitarian ones, but the missionaries’ insistence on learning, using, and developing the local language for their specific purposes, and not least their invention of a literary language and their endeavors to teach Greenlanders to use it, are probably the main reasons why the Greenlandic language is still very much alive and used everywhere in contemporary Greenland. Today it is the language of literature, pop music, government, and legislation. No other Aboriginal language in the American hemisphere has a comparable status.
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Greenlandic written language; Greenlandic literature; Christianity in Greenland
Place of publication:
Abingdon and New York
Country of publication:
USA and Great Britain
Host publication title:
The Inuit World
1st edition
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Den første bog trykt på grønlandsk er en ABC udgivet af Hans Egede i 1739. Bogen har været anset for at være forsvundet, men i forbindelse med et fælleseuropæisk forskningsprojekt over ABC'ens historie er det lykkedes at lokalisere to fejlregistrerede eksemplarer af bogen på Det Kgl. Bibliotek. Arti…
Den første bog trykt på grønlandsk er en ABC udgivet af Hans Egede i 1739. Bogen har været anset for at være forsvundet, men i forbindelse med et fælleseuropæisk forskningsprojekt over ABC'ens historie er det lykkedes at lokalisere to fejlregistrerede eksemplarer af bogen på Det Kgl. Bibliotek. Artiklen gør rede for bogens tilblivelse, virkningshistorie og betydning for udviklingen af dels det grønlandske litteratursprog, dels grønlandsk kristendom. På forbavsende kort tid - mindre end 100 år efter Hans Egedes landing på Håbets Ø i 1721 - lykkedes det at lære alle indbyggere i Vestgrønland at læse. Da først det grønlandske skriftmedie var udviklet, kunne det naturligvis bruges til alle tænkelige formål. Hans Egedes indsats er derfor blandt de vigtigste årsager til at den selvbevidste grønlandske nation findes og trives den dag i dag, og at det grønlandske sprog lever i bedste velgående, i modsætning til stort set alle andre oprindelige sprog på den amerikanske halvkugle. Artiklen udkom første gang i tidsskriftet Fund og Forskning (2021) og blev peer-reviewet ved den lejlighed. Denne nye version er let revideret i lyset af nye oplysninger der er dukket op siden førsteudgaven.
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Grønlandske ABC'er; Grønlandsk litteratur; Grønlandsk skolehistorie; Grønlandsk katekismus
Title of journal:
Tidsskriftet Grønland
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Det Grønlandske Selskab
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Et overblik over den grønlandske kirke- og missionshistorie og en beskrivelse af den grønlandske kirke og andre trossamfund i Grønland.
Niels Elers Koch
Grønlandsk kirkehistorie; Grønlandsk missionshistorie; Den grønlandske kirke; Trossamfund i Grønland
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Trap Grønland
Publication house:
Trap Danmark
ISBN number:
En systematisk opstillet grønlandsk grammatik.
Grønlandsk grammatik
Place of publication:
København og Nuuk
Country of publication:
Danmark og Grønland
3. udgave
Publication house:
BoD - Books on Demand
ISBN number:
Ancient DNA provides insights into 4,000 years of resource economy across Greenland
Seersholm et al. analysed permafrozen middens from Inuit and Viking settlements to uncover evidence of diet in prehistoric Greenland. Using ancient DNA, they identified 42 different species and found that whales were surprisingly common.
The success and failure of past cultures across the Arctic wa…
Seersholm et al. analysed permafrozen middens from Inuit and Viking settlements to uncover evidence of diet in prehistoric Greenland. Using ancient DNA, they identified 42 different species and found that whales were surprisingly common.
The success and failure of past cultures across the Arctic was tightly coupled to the ability of past peoples to exploit the full range of resources available to them. There is substantial evidence for the hunting of birds, caribou and seals in prehistoric Greenland. However, the extent to which these communities relied on fish and cetaceans is understudied because of taphonomic processes that affect how these taxa are presented in the archaeological record. To address this, we analyse DNA from bulk bone samples from 12 archaeological middens across Greenland covering the Palaeo-Inuit, Norse and Neo-Inuit culture. We identify an assemblage of 42 species, including nine fish species and five whale species, of which the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) was the most commonly detected. Furthermore, we identify a new haplotype in caribou (Rangifer tarandus), suggesting the presence of a distinct lineage of (now extinct) dwarfed caribou in Greenland 3,000 years ago.
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Frederik V. Seersholm; Hans Harmsen; Anne Birgitte Gotfredsen; Christian K. Madsen; Jens F. Jensen ; Jørgen Hollesen; Morten Meldgaard; Michael Bunce; Anders. J. Hansen
Arctic; Greenland; Archaeology; DNA; Resource exploitation
Title of journal:
Nature Human Behaviour
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The transitions from foraging to farming and later to pastoralism in Stone Age Eurasia (c. 11-3 thousand years before present, BP) represent some of the most dramatic lifestyle changes in human evolution. We sequenced 317 genomes of primarily Mesolithic and Neolithic individuals from across Eurasia…
The transitions from foraging to farming and later to pastoralism in Stone Age Eurasia (c. 11-3 thousand years before present, BP) represent some of the most dramatic lifestyle changes in human evolution. We sequenced 317 genomes of primarily Mesolithic and Neolithic individuals from across Eurasia combined with radiocarbon dates, stable isotope data, and pollen records. Genome imputation and co-analysis with previously published shotgun sequencing data resulted in >1600 complete ancient genome sequences offering fine-grained resolution into the Stone Age populations. We observe that: 1) Hunter-gatherer groups were more genetically diverse than previously known, and deeply divergent between western and eastern Eurasia. 2) We identify hitherto genetically undescribed hunter-gatherers from the Middle Don region that contributed ancestry to the later Yamnaya steppe pastoralists; 3) The genetic impact of the Neolithic transition was highly distinct, east and west of a boundary zone extending from the Black Sea to the Baltic. Large-scale shifts in genetic ancestry occurred to the west of this “Great Divide”, including an almost complete replacement of hunter-gatherers in Denmark, while no substantial ancestry shifts took place during the same period to the east. This difference is also reflected in genetic relatedness within the populations, decreasing substantially in the west but not in the east where it remained high until c. 4,000 BP; 4) The second major genetic transformation around 5,000 BP happened at a much faster pace with Steppe-related ancestry reaching most parts of Europe within 1,000-years. Local Neolithic farmers admixed with incoming pastoralists in eastern, western, and southern Europe whereas Scandinavia experienced another near-complete population replacement. Similar dramatic turnover-patterns are evident in western Siberia; 5) Extensive regional differences in the ancestry components involved in these early events remain visible to this day, even within countries. Neolithic farmer ancestry is highest in southern and eastern England while Steppe-related ancestry is highest in the Celtic populations of Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall (this research has been conducted using the UK Biobank resource); 6) Shifts in diet, lifestyle and environment introduced new selection pressures involving at least 21 genomic regions. Most such variants were not universally selected across populations but were only advantageous in particular ancestral backgrounds. Contrary to previous claims, we find that selection on the FADS regions, associated with fatty acid metabolism, began before the Neolithisation of Europe. Similarly, the lactase persistence allele started increasing in frequency before the expansion of Steppe-related groups into Europe and has continued to increase up to the present. Along the genetic cline separating Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Neolithic farmers, we find significant correlations with trait associations related to skin disorders, diet and lifestyle and mental health status, suggesting marked phenotypic differences between these groups with very different lifestyles. This work provides new insights into major transformations in recent human evolution, elucidating the complex interplay between selection and admixture that shaped patterns of genetic variation in modern populations.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.
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Morten Erik Allentoft; Martin Sikora; Alba Refoyo Martínez; Evan Irving-Pease; Marie Louise Schjellerup Jørkov; Fabrice Demeter; Maria Novosolov; Rasmus Henrik Amund Henriksen; Tharsika Vimala; Hugh McColl; Lasse Vinner; Gabriel Renaud; Theis Zetner Trolle Jensen; Gabriele Scorrano; Hannes Schroeder; Abigail Daisy Ramsøe; Andrew Joseph Schork; Anthony Henry Ruter; Anders Johannes Hansen; Anne Birgitte Gotfredsen; Anders Fischer; William Barrie; Andrés Ingason; Jesper Stenderup; Karl-Göran Sjögren; Alice Pearson; Barbara Mota; Bettina Schulz Paulsson; Alma Halgren; Ruairidh Macleod; Lasse Sørensen; Poul-Otto Nielsen; Ashot Margaryan; Melissa Ilardo; Andrew Vaughn; Morten Fischer Mortensen; Anne Birgitte Nielsen; Mikkel Ulfeldt Hede; Peter Rasmussen; Aaron Stern; Niels Nørkjær Johannsen; Per Lysdahl; Andrei Skorobogatov; Anders Rosengren; Alan Outram; Aleksey A. Timoshenko; Alexandra Buzhilova; Alfredo Coppa; Alisa Zubova; Ana Maria Silva; Andrey Gromov; Andrey Logvin; Bjarne Henning Nielsen; Borja González-Rabanal; Carles Lalueza-Fox; Catriona J. McKenzie; Gaunitz, Charleen; Concepción Blasco; Corina Liesau; Cristina Martinez-Labarga; Dmitri V. Pozdnyakov; David Cuenca-Solana; David O. Lordkipanidze; Dmitri En’shin; Domingo C Salazar-García; T. Douglas Price; Dušan Borić; Elena Kostyleva; Elizaveta V. Veselovskaya; Emma R. Usmanova; Enrico Cappellini; Erik Brinch Petersen; Esben Kannegaard; Francesca Radina; Fulya Eylem Yediay; Henri Duday; Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti; Inna Potekhina; Irina Shevnina; Isin Altinkaya; Jean Guilaine; Jesper Hansen; Joan Emili Aura Tortosa; João Zilhão; Jorge Vega; Kristoffer Buck Pedersen; Krzysztof Tunia; Zhao, Lei; Liudmila N. Mylnikova; Lars Larsson; Laure Metz; Levon Yeppiskoposyan; Lisbeth Pedersen; Lucia Sarti; Ludovic Orlando; Ludovic Slimak; Lutz Klassen; Malou Blank; Manuel González-Morales; Mara Silvestrini; Maria Vretemark; Marina S. Nesterova; Marina Rykun; Mario Federico Rolfo; Marzena Szmyt; Marcin Przybyła; Mauro Calattini; Mikhail Sablin; Miluše Dobisíková; Morten Meldgaard; Morten Johansen; Natalia Berezina; Nick Card; Nikolai A. Saveliev; Olga Poshekhonova; Olga Rickards; Olga V. Lozovskaya; Otto Christian Uldum; Paola Aurino; Pavel Kosintsev; Patrice Courtaud; Patricia Ríos; Peder Mortensen; Per Lotz; Per Åke Persson; Pernille Bangsgaard; Peter de Barros Damgaard; Peter Vang Petersen; Pilar Prieto Martinez; Piotr Włodarczak; Roman V. Smolyaninov; Rikke Maring; Roberto Menduiña; Ruben Badalyan; Iversen, Rune; Ruslan Turin; Sergey Vasilyiev; Sidsel Wåhlin; Svetlana Borutskaya; Svetlana Skochina; Søren Anker Sørensen; Søren H. Andersen; Thomas Jørgensen; Yuri B. Serikov; Vyacheslav I. Molodin; Vaclav Smrcka; Victor Merz; Vivek Appadurai; Vyacheslav Moiseyev; Yvonne Magnusson; Kurt H. Kjær; Niels Lynnerup; Daniel J. Lawson; Peter H. Sudmant; Simon Rasmussen; Thorfinn Sand Korneliussen; Richard Durbin; Rasmus Nielsen; Olivier Delaneau; Thomas Werge; Fernando Racimo; Kristian Kristiansen; Eske Willerslev
Genomics; Stone age; Eurasia
University of Copenhagen
Place of publication:
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DOI number:
Poetiske repræsentationer; Forskning
Title of journal:
Sygeplejefagligt Tidsskrift Forstyrrelsen
Number of journal:
Dansk Sygeplejeråd
Forskning om studerendes og nyuddannede sygeplejerskers trivsel, uddannelse og arbejdsliv
Trivsel; Uddannelse; Fastholdelse; Sundhedsprofession
Title of journal:
Nakorsanut – Medlemsblad lægeforeningen
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
En dansk sygeplejelærer kommer til Grønland
Uddannelse; Kultur; Grønland
Title of journal:
Tikiusaaq - Et fagblad for sygeplejersker i Grønland
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Peqqissaasut Kattuffiats
TRAP Grønland Trap Grønland giver en omfattende og rigt illustreret, stedsspecifik viden om Grønlands natur og landskab, historie, kultur, samfunds- og erhvervsforhold samt byerne og bygderne. Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen har bidraget med afsnit om den danske stats institutioner i Grønland og de grønl…
TRAP Grønland Trap Grønland giver en omfattende og rigt illustreret, stedsspecifik viden om Grønlands natur og landskab, historie, kultur, samfunds- og erhvervsforhold samt byerne og bygderne. Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen har bidraget med afsnit om den danske stats institutioner i Grønland og de grønlandske talsmandsinstitutioner.
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TRAP Danmark
Politi; Anstalt; Domstole; Talsmandsinstitutioner
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Trap Grønland
Publication house:
TRAP Danmark
ISBN number:
Reflections on the Complexity of Normalcy in Nursing and Healthcare
Charlotte Handberg; Lene Seibæk; Sally Thorne; Kirsten Beedholm
Normalcy in healthcare; Nursing; Patient involvement
Title of journal:
Advances in Nursing Science
Magt og autoritet i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen - omsorg og etik
Ole Høiris; Ole Marquardt; Claus Andreasen
Magtforhold; Sundhedsvæsenet
Host publication title:
Magt og autoritet i Grønland
Børn med mellemørebetændelse - forældreerfaringer som grundlag for en forbedret indsats
Organisering af behandling; Samarbejde med pårørende
Name of conference:
Nunamed 2022
City of conference:
Country of conference:
Patientuddannelse i livsstilsrelaterede sygdomme i Grønland – et ph.d.-projekt
Patientinddragelse; Interventionsforskning
Name of conference:
Nunamed 2022
City of conference:
Country of conference:
Trap Grønland giver en omfattende og rigt illustreret, stedsspecifik viden om Grønlands natur og landskab, historie, kultur, samfunds- og erhvervsforhold samt byerne og bygderne. Birger Poppel har sammen med MarieKathrine Poppel bidraget med afsnit om Grønlands befolkning og demografi og har sammen…
Trap Grønland giver en omfattende og rigt illustreret, stedsspecifik viden om Grønlands natur og landskab, historie, kultur, samfunds- og erhvervsforhold samt byerne og bygderne. Birger Poppel har sammen med MarieKathrine Poppel bidraget med afsnit om Grønlands befolkning og demografi og har sammen med Najaaraq Christiansen og Kåre Hendriksen bidraget med afsnit om Erhverv og arbejdsmarked.
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Niels Elers Koch; Kuupik Kleist
Samfundsforhold; Erhvervsforhold
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
TrapGrønland - GRØNLAND
Bind 36
6. udgave
Publication house:
Gads Forlag
ISBN number:
Forekomsten af astma i Grønland og behandlingskvalitet – et tværsnitsstudie
Astma; Forekomst; Behandlingskvalitet
Name of conference:
Nunamed 2022
City of conference:
Country of conference:
Patientrapporterede oplysninger i klinisk praksis – Implementering af et grønlandsk spørgeskema til monitorering af KOL patienter
PRO; Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom; KOL; Patientrapporterede oplysninger
Name of conference:
Nunamed 2022
City of conference:
Country of conference:
Forekomst af patienter i Grønland, som bruger blodtrykssænkende medicin, samt en vurdering af vigtigheden af diagnose for behandlingskvaliteten – et tværsnitsstudie
Hypertension; Forhøjet blodtryk; Forekomst; Behandlingskvalitet
Name of conference:
Nunamed 2022
City of conference:
Country of conference:
Patient education in Greenland: Development and feasibility testing of an intervention to patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Patient education; Intervention development
Name of conference:
5th Annual Research Meeting 2022
City of conference:
Country of conference:
Hypertension; Forhøjet blodtryk; Forekomst; Behandlingskvalitet
Web place of publication:
Best Practice Nordic
Artrose; Forekomst; Behandlingsmuligheder; Erfaringer; Grønland
Web place of publication:
Best Practice Nordic
De nordiska autonomierna och deras internationella handlingsutrymme
Færøerne; Grønland; Åland; Internationale relationer
Title of journal:
Tidskrift utgiven av juridiska föreningen i Finland
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Juridiska föreningen i Finland
Place of publication:
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ISSN number:
This paper examines the legal concept of occupation of territory and its historic application to the Polar regions, to disclose the fallacies at the heart of the colonial projects at both Poles. It also considers how the increasing recognition of non-use value disrupts positivist accounts of occupat…
This paper examines the legal concept of occupation of territory and its historic application to the Polar regions, to disclose the fallacies at the heart of the colonial projects at both Poles. It also considers how the increasing recognition of non-use value disrupts positivist accounts of occupation. The colonisation of populated lands was justified by European theories of property that insisted that effective occupation required both a psychological and a physical
element. The psychological element of occupation requires the sovereign to engage in a legal action that it controls the land and exercises dominion over it but this conceit is not shared by Arctic Indigenous Peoples. The physical element of occupation according to the positivist account requires an owner or sovereign to transform the land in some physical manner. The self-serving European legal theories construed the Indigenous relationship with land as a non-relationship and declared it retrospectively terra nullius. According to their own laws, the colonisers declared their own sovereign
authority over Indigenous territories, notwithstanding the existing civilisations. However, in the Polar regions, the colonisers themselves did very little in the way of physical occupation or transformation of the vast majority of the lands that they claimed. Colonisers demonstrated occupation through the naming of places, mapping, taking resources, building basic structures for shelter, and applying laws over their own people. But Indigenous Peoples had long been doing all those things in the Arctic. 20th century courts accepted that in territories remote from the colonising claimant with little or no population, the degree of physical occupation and exercise of jurisdiction could be very limited. However, they refused to consider the much longer and more extensive use and management by Indigenous Peoples.
In the Antarctic, the territorial claims of the seven claimant states do not pivot on any real physical occupation or transformation of the land at all. This would have been impossible on any scale of significance, given the size and challenging climate of the continent at the time of European discovery. Today, the principles that govern the Antarctic continent favour non-use and a minimisation of impacts. At both Poles, justifications for the exercise of jurisdiction are increasingly based on promises to protect wilderness by minimising human impacts. Sovereignty is demonstrated through non-occupation in a complete reversal of the classical legal theory.
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Indigenous peoples; International law; Colonisation; Decolonisation; Polar law
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Yearbook of Polar Law
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Polar law; International law; Diversity
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Current Developments in Arctic Law
Publication house:
University of Lapland
ISBN number:
ISSN: 2343-3418
Giorgio Baruchello
Greenland; Colonisation; Decolonisation; Colonialism
Title of journal:
Nordicum Mediterraneum
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
University of Akureyri
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Giorgio Baruchello
Greenland; Reconciliation; Decolonisation; Independence
Title of journal:
Nordicum Mediterraneum
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
University of Akureyri
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Læsning; Eye tracking
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ISSN number:
Atuarneq; Eye tracking
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Kalaallit Nunaat
ISSN number:
Reading; Eye tracking
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ISSN number:
The Political Economy of Greenland: From Colonialism to a Mixed Economy
The long-term economic performance of Greenland has been shaped by factors like climate change and global commodity prices but more importantly by the change and persistence of economic and political institutions. This chapter discusses the combination of these factors ranging from natural-resource…
The long-term economic performance of Greenland has been shaped by factors like climate change and global commodity prices but more importantly by the change and persistence of economic and political institutions. This chapter discusses the combination of these factors ranging from natural-resource transitions, historical legacies, and state developmental policies. It provides a general overview to understand the interplay of endogenous and exogenous factors that have influenced the historical evolution of the Greenlandic economy.
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Laust H.
Political economy; Economic history; Labor market
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
United Kingdom
Host publication title:
Greenland’s Economy and Labour Market
Publication house:
The chapter introduces a method of qualitative analysis which builds on socialpsychological theory about structures and relations in social practice. Conditions-, meanings- and reasoning analysis integrates societal and institutional structures in the conduct of everyday life of the citizens and in…
The chapter introduces a method of qualitative analysis which builds on socialpsychological theory about structures and relations in social practice. Conditions-, meanings- and reasoning analysis integrates societal and institutional structures in the conduct of everyday life of the citizens and in professional practice. The purpose of the analysis is to show the connections between institutional practice and the citizens’ everyday conduct of life with e.g. health problems, how the different practices influence each other, and what opportunities and challenges they include. By the use of examples from empirical research in patients’ perspectives on health practice in Greenland, it is shown how the method of analysis can be used on empirical material, what forms of knowledge and practice it analyses, and what kind of knowledge and action possibilities it generates.
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Paul M.V. Hackett; Christopher M. Hayre
Qualitative research; Method of analysis; Social psychology; Conduct of everyday life; Patient perspectives
Place of publication:
New York
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Handbook of ethnography in healthcare research
Publication house:
ISBN number:
The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis assumes there is an inverted U-shape relationship between pollution and income per capita, implying an improvement in environmental quality when a growing economy reaches a high level of economic development. This study evaluated empirically the exist…
The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis assumes there is an inverted U-shape relationship between pollution and income per capita, implying an improvement in environmental quality when a growing economy reaches a high level of economic development. This study evaluated empirically the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve in Greenland for the period 1970–2018. Using an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach, the results show evidence of a U-shaped EKC in Greenland instead of the hypothesized inverted U-shape. The findings indicate that Greenland had initially experienced a decoupling transition during an early development stage associated with structural conditions of a small subsistence economy. However, once the country began to expand its industry, the trend began to reverse, creating a positive and significant relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita that are potentially detrimental to the Arctic natural environment.
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Economic development and policy; Environmental economics
Title of journal:
Volume of journal:
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DOI number:
Greenland experienced a 5-week lockdown during the COVID-19 crisis. The lockdown effectively took out all public social support and food supply for people experiencing homelessness in the capital Nuuk. This woke up Greenland’s social conscience in the form of a local NGO’s mobilization of voluntary…
Greenland experienced a 5-week lockdown during the COVID-19 crisis. The lockdown effectively took out all public social support and food supply for people experiencing homelessness in the capital Nuuk. This woke up Greenland’s social conscience in the form of a local NGO’s mobilization of voluntary social helpers. Luckily nobody in the homeless environment got infected and suffered needlessly. From a social policy perspective, we can take three experiences away from the pandemic. Firstly, a clear learning experience from this crisis was the need to redefine the broad societal understanding of Greenland a country with a universal welfare system. The second experience was that social work comes in many shapes and forms. Finally, the experience illustrated what could take place when the political and administrative system are too slow to react in times of crisis. It kickstarted the civil society step up and help fellow citizens. In the end NGO’s need to reports back and inform the public system to ensure better social emergency response in the future.
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Homelessness; Social policy; Crisis; Greenland; Voluntary sector; Covid-19
Title of journal:
Qualitative Social Work
Volume of journal:
Number of journal:
Sage Journals
Place of publication:
Los Angeles
Country of publication:
United States
ISSN number:
DOI number:
Media policy in Greenland
This article describes the historical development of media policy in Greenland, and the shifts in the underlying normative and causal ideas that legitimise media policy. I argue that media policy reflects changes in Greenland’s political system. Specifically, under colonial rule, Greenlandic media w…
This article describes the historical development of media policy in Greenland, and the shifts in the underlying normative and causal ideas that legitimise media policy. I argue that media policy reflects changes in Greenland’s political system. Specifically, under colonial rule, Greenlandic media was state run and media was seen as an instrument to educate the population. Gradually, with the introduction of home rule, a paradigm shift took place, whereby media was seen as a vital instrument to strengthen Greenlandic language and identity. At the same time, normative ideas of media independence appeared which called for institutionalisation of the arm’s length principle. Due to the influence and institutional spill-over from Denmark, I argue, Greenlandic media policy fit rather well into the “Nordic media model” although media policy in Greenland is mostly formulated without long-term or broad political agreements.
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Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Lars Nord
Greenland; Media policy; Policy paradigms; Nordic media welfare state; Media history
Title of journal:
Nordicom Review
Volume of journal:
Special Issue
Place of publication:
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