Seminar invitation: Inclusion of local knowledge / user knowledge in resource management in Greenland
20. - 21. May 2023, 09:00 - 16:00
20. - 21. May 2023, 09:00 - 16:00
Greenlandic, English
As a part of the conclusion of CAPARDUS, a Horizon2020 project, a seminar on Inclusion of local knowledge / user knowledge in resource management in Greenland will be held on 20 May.
As this is a part of the conclusion of the entire CAPARDUS project, you are also invited to participate in the concluding seminar on Sunday 21 May, from 9.00 - 16.15.
For logistical reasons (not least to order food), we kindly ask you to inform us no later than Tuesday 16 May at 15.00, if, and which days you are going to participate.
You are most welcome to participate, also if you do not return to this mail, but then we cannot guarantee sufficient supply of food.
Hoping to see you all;
Birger Poppel, Uffe Jakobsen, Finn Danielsen, Søren Stach Nielsen
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