Exhibition: "Arctic Twilight" - pastels by Jean Malaurie

On the occasion of Jean Malaurie's one hundredth birthday in December last year, Ilisimatusarfik and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) / Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco host an exhibition about Jean Malaurie.

At the exhibition, you can, for example, see pastels with Greenlandic motifs by Jean Malaurie.
The exhibition will open on 02 May by rector of Ilisimatusarfik Gitte Adler Reimer, and the President of UVSQ Alain Bui.
Info about Jean Malaurie:
Jean Malaurie (born 22 December 1922 in Mainz, Germany) is a French cultural anthropologist, explorer, geographer, physicist, and writer about the Inuit, Greenland, and the Arctic.
His book "The Last Kings of Thule" (1955, 2 English translations) is the most widely distributed book about Greenland in the world.
Some of Jean Malaurie’s books:
- Derniers rois de Thule (1955)
- The last kings of Thule: a year among the Polar Eskimos of Greenland (1956)
- De sidste konger i Thule: et år blandt Nordgrønlands polareskimoer (1957)
- Thèmes de recherche Géomorphologique dans le Nord-Ouest du Groenland (1968)
- Thule: det yderste land (2002)
- Hummocks tome 1 - Livre 1 Nord Groënland (2003)
- Hummocks: Nord Groenland Arctique Central Canadien. Relief de mémoire (1999)
- Hummocks tome 2: Alaska, Tcheoukotka Sibérienne. Relief de mémoire (1999)
- Lettre á un inuit de 2022: un regard angoissé sur le destin d'un peuple: récit (2016)