PhD defence: Hjalte Larsen

Thesis summary
This thesis investigates the landscape of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Greenland, with a focused attention on heart failure (HF) and the genetics of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). It encompasses three relevant studies, each addressing a unique aspect of cardiovascular health in the indigenous Greenlandic population, characterized by distinct genetic and lifestyle factors.
Study I analyses the incidence and mortality rates of CVD in Greenland from 1994 to 2021. Utilizing nationwide health registers, it uncovers a rising trend in CVD, particularly among the elderly. This study highlights the impending challenges for Greenland's healthcare system, emphasizing the need for targeted prevention and management strategies.
Study II shifts focus to HF, exploring its prevalence and clinical characteristics in Greenland. This study reveals a high prevalence of obesity and smoking in the HF cohort, diverging from the patterns observed in other populations. Contrary it discovers a smaller than expected portion of IHD in the cohort, pointing to the need for further research.
Study III investigates the genetics involved with DCM in Greenlanders without ischemic heart disease. Despite the low prevalence of known DCM variants, the study underscores the necessity for broader genetic research in this rather unique genetic population compared to those which the existing evidence is relying on.
Across all studies, the thesis consistently points to the need for a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to prevent CVD. This includes educational initiatives, societal changes, and policy interventions. The thesis suggests promoting healthier lifestyles in schools, implementing policies like taxation on unhealthy foods and cigarettes, and developing infrastructure to encourage physical activities.
In conclusion, this thesis enhances our understanding of CVD, HF, and DCM in Greenland. It underlines the need for nuanced public health strategies and genetic research tailored to Greenland's unique population. The insights gained contribute to the global narrative on heart health, prevention, and management, highlighting the importance of continuous evolution in genetic and epidemiological research methods to address health challenges in unique populations globally.
- Anders Koch | Adjungeret professor, Center for Sundhedsforskning, Ilisimatusarfik & overlæge, Det Grønlandske Sundhedsvæsen, Statens Serum Institut og Rigshospitalet
- Mogens Lytken Larsen | Professor emeritus, Aalborg Universitet
- Ann Ragnhild Broderstad | Overlæge og forskningsleder, UiT, Norges Arktiske Universitet
- Hovedvejleder: Marit Eika Jørgensen | Adjungeret professor, Center for Sundhedsforskning, Ilisimatusarfik, & Overlæge, Steno Diabetes Center Grønland
- Bivejleder: Michael Lynge Pedersen | Adjungeret professor, Center for Sundhedsforskning, Ilisimatusarfik & Lægefaglig Centerchef, Steno Diabetes Center Grønland
- Bivejleder: Finn Gustafsson | Professor, Afdeling for Hjertesygdomme, Rigshospitalet
- 13.00: Indledning og velkomst ved forsvarsleder
- 13.10: Præsentation af ph.d.-afhandling ved Hjalte Larsen
- 14.10: Pause
- 14.25: Bedømmelsesudvalget:
- 14.25 - 14.50: Ann Ragnhild Broderstad
- 14.50 - 15.15: Mogens Lytken Larsen
- 15.15 - 15.40: Anders Koch
- 15.40: Ex auditorio - spørgsmål fra salen
- 15.55: Forsvarshandlingen afsluttes
- 16.00: Bedømmelsesudvalgets vurdering af forsvaret og reception
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Kopier af afhandlingen kan findes på Ilisimatusarfiks bibliotek.