Conference: Art, Community & Identities in the Arctic - Best Practices for Children, Young People & Families

About the conference
The overall goal of the conference is to provide knowledge about art-based initiatives that work to strengthen well-being, democratic participation, social sustainability, and access to rights for all children, young people, and families.
There will be a special focus on ways of expressing oneself and participating, especially through community art - i.e., art as an expression of and way to creating a sense of belonging to local communities.
The conference will present and disseminate knowledge from the projects Art and Community, the UArctic network on children's conditions in the Arctic, the UArctic network on New Art Education in the Arctic and the Art, Identity, and Locality.
The conference will open for dialogue between researchers and practitioners.
There will be a focus on the right to education and culture and on knowledge of how to engage children and young people in art and aesthetic expressions.
Furthermore, we will emphasize research ethics and research results with a clear local and bring this in dialogue with international research.
The importance of collective rights for welfare, participation and social sustainability will be highlighted and brought into dialogue with practical methods rooted in local communities, culture, and local opportunities for action.
The conference will create dialogue between researchers and practitioners for the benefit of society and for all, but especially for vulnerable children, young people, and families.
Before the conference, there will be two days of seminars for the participating researchers.