The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in…
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in doing so negotiate pressing environmental, (geo)political, and social concerns. From the plasmatic force of ice in Disney's Frozen films to the spatial vocabulary of circumpolar Indigenous hip hop, it addresses Arctic geographical imaginaries in a wide range of media, including literature, cinema, comic books, music videos, and cartographic art. The book brings together a plurality of voices from within and outside the circumpolar North, both in terms of the works analysed and in its own collaborative scholarly practice. The book bridges Indigenous and Southern mediations of the Arctic and combines different epistemologies to do justice to these imaginaries in their diversity.
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Aviaq Fleischer; Scott MacKenzie; Johannes Riquet; Anna Westerstahl Stenport
Johannes Riquet
Arctic; Comic books; Greenland; Circumpolar geographies
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
The Mediated Arctic - Poetics and politics of contemporary circumpolar geographies
Publication house:
Manchester University Press
ISBN number:
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in…
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in doing so negotiate pressing environmental, (geo)political, and social concerns. From the plasmatic force of ice in Disney's Frozen films to the spatial vocabulary of circumpolar Indigenous hip hop, it addresses Arctic geographical imaginaries in a wide range of media, including literature, cinema, comic books, music videos, and cartographic art. The book brings together a plurality of voices from within and outside the circumpolar North, both in terms of the works analysed and in its own collaborative scholarly practice. The book bridges Indigenous and Southern mediations of the Arctic and combines different epistemologies to do justice to these imaginaries in their diversity.
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Johannes Riquet
Arctic; Hip hop; Circumpolar geographies; We up; Canada; Greenland; Finland
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
The Mediated Arctic - Poetics and politics of contemporary circumpolar geographies
Publication house:
Manchester University Press
ISBN number:
Samarbejdet mellem Danmarks Radio og Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa ved opstarten af samtidigheds-tv
Der undersøges forholdet mellem Danmarks Radio og Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa ved samtidigheds-tv´s opstart i begyndelsen af 1980´erne.
Ole Høiris; Ole Marquardt; Claus Andreasen
Tv-historie; Magt; Autoritet; Samtidigheds-tv
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Magt og autoritet i Grønland
Publication house:
Syddansk Universitetsforlag
ISBN number:
2023 marks a milestone in the history of Greenlandic media. It is both the 41st anniversary of the first tv-programs broadcast to a Greenlandic audience in the Greenlandic language (November 1, 2023) and Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa & TV’s (KNR-TV) 10th year as a so-called niche channel broadcasting ma…
2023 marks a milestone in the history of Greenlandic media. It is both the 41st anniversary of the first tv-programs broadcast to a Greenlandic audience in the Greenlandic language (November 1, 2023) and Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa & TV’s (KNR-TV) 10th year as a so-called niche channel broadcasting mainly in-house productions in Greenlandic. The footage produced over this period provides unique glimpses into aspects of everyday life from all over Greenland, creating an invaluable media archive that is housed and maintained by KNR-TV. Through an analysis of this media archive supplemented by a survey of viewers’ perceptions of KNR-TV and its tv-programs, this article examines two central questions: 1) What is the role of the archive in KNR-TV programming? 2) How do viewers experience the many rebroadcasts on KNR-TV? It also examines the relationship between decreases in KNR-TV’s daily viewership and the rise of online media services as well as some of the challenges posed to the digitization of KNR-TV’s archive.
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KNR-TV; Arkiv; Seere; Genudsendelser; Public-service
Title of journal:
Grønlandsk kultur- og samfundsforskning
Volume of journal:
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The chapter considers Greenlandic AV material as cultural heritage by examining records from the 1990s of one local television (TV) station, TV-Aasiaat. These recordings constitute both tangible culture in the physical AV recordings themselves, and intangible culture, in the storytelling that they r…
The chapter considers Greenlandic AV material as cultural heritage by examining records from the 1990s of one local television (TV) station, TV-Aasiaat. These recordings constitute both tangible culture in the physical AV recordings themselves, and intangible culture, in the storytelling that they record. Storytelling traditions in Greenland reach back to time out of mind; AV records are one manifestation of this essential cultural form. Nonetheless, the framework for the preservation of cultural heritage in Greenland is focused on the tangible, material culture of built heritage and documentary or archival heritage.
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Audiovisual archives; Local tv; Greenlandic culture; Archival legislation; Cultural heritage; Storytelling
Place of publication:
London & New York
Country of publication:
England & America
Host publication title:
The Nordic Model of Digital Archiving
Publication house:
ISBN number:
Forestillinger om Hans Egede: fra radiospil til en hovedløs statue - Hans Egede set igennem de sidste 50 år i de grønlandske medier
Grønland; Medier; Hans Egede
Place of publication:
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Host publication title:
Tro og samfund i Grønland i 300-året for Hans Egedes ankomst
Publication house:
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
ISBN number:
978 87 7219 456 1
Hans Egede pillugu takorluuinerit: Raatiukkut tusarnaagassiamiit eqqaassutissamut niaquikkamut - Hans Egede ukiuni kingullerni 50-ini kalaallit tusagassiorfiinit isigalugu (1971-imiit 2021-imut9
Kalaallit Nunaat; Tusagassiutit; Hans Egede
Place of publication:
Country of publication:
Host publication title:
Upperisaq inuiaqatigiillu Hans Egede-p Inuit Nunaannut Tikinneraniit ukiut untritillit pingasunngorneranni
Publication house:
Aarhus Universitetsforlag
ISBN number:
978 87 7219 457 8