We are currently experiencing a surge in interest from journalists around the world. Normally, we make a point of responding to all inquiries from international media, but right now the demand is extraordinary. As a small university, our main focus is on our educations, research and research-based teaching, and we have to prioritize our resources. We hope you will understand that in the current situation we cannot meet all requests. Please contact our communication office
News | 29. September 2017
Ilisimatusarfik's annual celebration
On 29 September 2017, we marked our foundation with our traditional annual celebration
News | 29. September 2017
Journalist education for 35 years
This year, Ilisimatusarfik celebrates the 35 year anniversary for the Greenlandic journalist education - of which the last ten years have been as part of University of Greenland
News | 18. September 2017
With brush and knife
Students from the teacher programme exhibit a series of paintings at Ilinniarfissuaq - which they have made with their guest teacher Henrik Saar
News | 14. September 2017
First teacher students with exams in natural science field work
On 09 September, an exam in field work took place for seven teacher students. It is the first time that the natural science field work has been assessed with an exam
News | 12. September 2017
New university director at Ilisimatusarfik
On 01 September 2017, Henriette Nolsøe Rosing joined as new university director at Ilisimatusarfik
News | 01. September 2017
Ilisimatusarfik news, September 2017
Welcome to another edition of our newsletter <em>Ilisimatusarfik news - shaping the Arctic</em>
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