30. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Ulunnguaq Markussen
Now you can listen to the seventh podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)

21. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Angutinnguaq Olsen
Now you can listen to the sixth podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)

20. December 2021
Åland Islands Peace Institute in collaboration with Nasiffik
The Åland Islands Peace Institute and Nasiffik - Centre for Foreign & Security Policy at Ilisimatusarfik have signed a cooperation agreement

17. December 2021
Last call - Greenlandic dialects as linguistic heritage
University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Ilisimatusarfik, the National Museum & Archives of Greenland and the National Museum of Denmark, has received DKK 3.8 million from Augustinusfonden for a research project on the collection, analysis and dissemination of Greenlandic dialects

15. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Marianne Jensen
Now you can listen to the fifth podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)

15. December 2021
New Head of Institute of Society, Economics & Journalism at Ilisimatusarfik
Press release: New Head of Institute of Society, Economics & Journalism at Ilisimatusarfik

08. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Heidi Rosing
Now you can listen to the fourth podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)

01. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Camilla Kleemann-Andersen
Now you can listen to the third podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)

01. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Ane-Mette Broberg Damgaard
Now you can listen to the second podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)

01. December 2021
Valuable knowledge: Aviaq Reimer Olsen
Now you can listen to the first podcast with graduates in the series "Valuable knowledge" (in Greenlandic)