3 events on security in Greenland & the Arctic
In mid-March, Nasiffik - Centre for Foreign & Security Policy at Ilisimatusarfik organized three events on security in Greenland & the Arctic
In mid-March, Nasiffik - Centre for Foreign & Security Policy at Ilisimatusarfik organized three events on security in Greenland & the Arctic:
Security in the Arctic
This event featured presentations on how we continue to ensure security and stability in Greenland and the Arctic - read more.
Public meeting on security in the Arctic - now and in the future
Researchers from Ilisimatusarfik and the Royal Danish Defence College gave presentations on the new positioning of the superpowers in the Arctic and the implications for Greenland and its people - read more.
Security threats through, to, and in the North American Arctic: a Canadian perspective
Public lecture with Professor Whitney Lackenbauer - one of Canada's leading academic experts on Arctic defence and security issues - read more.