Greenlandic social policy & social relations
Researcher Steven Arnfjord from Ilisimatusarfik has just published the book "<em>Grønlandsk socialpolitik & sociale forhold - en tekstsamling</em>" ("Greenlandic social policy & social relations - a collection of texts")
Researcher Steven Arnfjord from Ilisimatusarfik has just published the book "Grønlandsk socialpolitik & sociale forhold - en tekstsamling" ("Greenlandic social policy & social relations - a collection of texts").
From the book's preface:
"In recent decades, we in Greenland have witnessed a positive welfare development of the population. However, when looking at the development, it seems to be only for certain parts of the population, while other parts of the population have to struggle more to make ends meet - both socially and economically. It is fundamentally about the country's understanding of the distribution of welfare levels."
"It is my humble opinion that we have long lacked, literally, places to refer this debate. I will not claim that with this publication we now have a place to refer to - for this collection of texts should certainly not stand alone. I hope that this will be just one of many contributions with more contributors in the future. There is a consistently strong need for discussion of what welfare is in this country - in terms of what social policy should contribute in understanding the social relationship. This book is an attempt to provide an input, where a collection of previous publications now can be found in one place. What is significant about this collection of texts is that it is now available in Greenlandic and Danish. These are the two overriding motivations for this publication - to bring the issues together, and to get it across in both languages."