24. June 2022
Friday 24 June 2022 was a great day at Ilisimatusarfik, where 69 bachelors and 5 masters graduated
Friday 24 June 2022 was a great day at Ilisimatusarfik, where 69 bachelors and 5 masters graduated.
Graduating bachelors:
- Business Economcis: 8 bachelors
- Journalism: 1 bachelor
- Law: 7 bachelors
- Teaching: 34 bachelors
- Translation & Interpreting: 3 bachelors
- Social Science: 6 bachelors
- Nursing: 7 bachelors
- Theology: 3 bachelors
Graduating masters:
- Institute of Learning: 1 master
- Social Science: 4 masters
During the ceremony, Najaaraq Olsen received KNI's prize for the highest bachelor grade point average - and Kista Isaksen received the Greenland Business Association's prize for highest master grade point average.
We congratulate all our graduates on completing their education.
Also, view our graduation statistics throughout the years ..
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