Social science practice - Arctic perspectives
This methodology book is the first to focus on social science practices in the Arctic and the Western North
Editors: Steven Arnfjord & Gestur Hovgaard
Greenland University Press, 414 pages
Language: Danish
Price: DKK 299,-
Contents of the book
This methodology book is the first to focus on social science practices in the Arctic and the Western North.
The contributions in the book come from researchers whose own research practices are based in Arctic and West Nordic university settings.
The chapters' numerous methodological approaches illustrate how northern contexts and often close local conditions have a pronounced impact on the methodological approach to social science research.
In the book, the authors explain how they deal with the challenges of creating a research connection to smaller communities while at the same time being able to approach the work of describing social science analytically.
- Chapter 1: Gestur Hovgaard & Steven Arnfjord: Samfundsvidenskabelig praksis (Social science practice)
- Chapter 2: Mitdlarak Lennert: Evalueringsmetoder (Evaluation methodologies)
- Chapter 3: Grétar Thór Eythórsson: Forskningsmetoder til surveys (Research methodologies for surveys)
- Chapter 4: Anne Merrild Hansen & Rachael Lorna Johnstone: Social konsekvensvurdering i en arktisk kontekst (Social impact assessment in an Arctic context)
- Chapter 5: Javier L. Arnaut: Kan vi forudsige fremtiden for arktisk mineral minedrift? (Can we predict the future of Arctic mineral mining?)
- Chapter 6: Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen: På feltarbejde bag anstaltens mure (Fieldwork behind the prison walls)
- Chapter 7: Mette Apollo Rasmussen: Etnografiske metoder i problemorienterede organisationsanalyser (Ethnographic methodologies in problem-oriented organizational analyses)
- Chapter 8: Firouz Gaini: Imellem venner & fremmede (Between friends & strangers)
- Chapter 9: Kevin Anthony Perry: Feltarbejdets uforudsigelighed (The unpredictability of fieldwork)
- Chapter 10: Steven Arnfjord & Julia Christensen: Visuel sociologi (Visual sociology)
- Chapter 11: Ragnheidur Bogadóttir: GIS og bæredygtig samfundsforskning (GIS and sustainable social research)
- Chapter 12: Maria Ackrén: Komparativ metode (Comparative methodology)
- Chapter 13: Steven Arnfjord: Aktionsforskning (Action research)
- Chapter 14: Gestur Hovgaard & Peter Berliner: Deltagende lokalsamfundsforskning (Participatory community research)
- Chapter 15: Laila Hedegaard Pedersen: Tolkning i forskning (Interpreting in research)
- Chapter 16: Erika Anne Hayfield: Forskningsetik på små steder med stor indre forbundethed (Research ethics in small places with strong internal links)
The book's target audience will be a broad readership; especially students, but also researchers and other professionals will find the book relevant.