We are currently experiencing a surge in interest from journalists around the world. Normally, we make a point of responding to all inquiries from international media, but right now the demand is extraordinary. As a small university, our main focus is on our educations, research and research-based teaching, and we have to prioritize our resources. We hope you will understand that in the current situation we cannot meet all requests. Please contact our communication office
News | 01. May 2022
25th Anniversary
Britta Lohmann, head of the Institute of Learning, has just celebrated her 25th anniversary
News | 01. May 2022
Student receives grant
Two students have just received grants from the Ivalo & Minik Fonden - and one of them is currently studying Social Science at Ilisimatusarfik
News | 01. May 2022
Visiting University of Akureyri
In early May, our rector, university director and technical director will visit University of Akureyri
News | 01. May 2022
NUSCT rectors' meeting
Ilisimatusarfik is part of the Network of Universities from Small Countries & Territories (NUSCT) - and on 03 May 2022, NUSCT will hold its 4th annual rectors' meeting
News | 01. May 2022
Funding from Greenland Research Council
The following researchers at Ilisimatusarfik - and researchers affiliated with Ilisimatusarfik - have received funding from Greenland Research Council
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