NUSCT rectors' meeting
01. May 2022
Ilisimatusarfik is part of the Network of Universities from Small Countries & Territories (NUSCT) - and on 03 May 2022, NUSCT will hold its 4th annual rectors' meeting
Ilisimatusarfik is part of the Network of Universities from Small Countries & Territories (NUSCT) - and on 03 May 2022, NUSCT will hold its 4th annual rectors' meeting.
The rectors' meeting will be hosted by Ilisimatusarfik - and we are very much looking forward to welcoming the network members to Nuuk.
In addition to Ilisimatusarfik, the network members are:
- University of Akureyri
- University of Andorra
- University of the Faroe Islands
- University of Gibraltar
- University of Liechtenstein
- University of Malta
- Mediterranean University
- University of Montenegro
- University of Nicosia
- University of the Republic of San Marino
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