Summer graduation
23. June 2023
Friday 23 June 2023 was a great day at Ilisimatusarfik, where 64 bachelors and 7 masters graduated

We congratulate all our graduates on completing their education
Graduating bachelors:
- Business Economics: 7
- Law: 6
- Culture & Social History: 2
- Teaching: 31
- Translation & Interpreting: 1
- Social Science: 6
- Nursing: 9
- Theology: 2
Graduating masters:
- Culture & Social History: 3
- Social Science: 3
- Journalism: 1
During the ceremony, Emilie Petersen Tidemand Spaanheden received KNI's prize for the highest bachelor grade point average - and Rikke Østergaard received Greenland Business Association's prize for highest master grade point average.
View pictures below - photographer: Emil Nørgaard Stach
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