Greenlandic Cultural and Social Research 2022-23 has been released
Greenlandic Cultural and Social Research is Ilisimatusarfik's scientific journal - it contains peer-reviewed articles in Danish and English about Greenland from research fields represented at Ilisimatusarfik

Greenlandic Cultural and Social Research is Ilisimatusarfik's scientific journal.
It contains peer-reviewed articles in Danish and English about Greenland from research fields represented at Ilisimatusarfik.
The latest issue is divided into two main themes: Culture & Language and Society & Health.
Within the Culture & Language theme, you can read about Greenlandic crime literature, Greenlandic television and Greenlandic linguistics:
- Kroppens mareridt og kroppens lyst - sanselige formidlinger i grønlandske kriminalromaner (Arctic Noir) (The body's nightmares and the body's desire - sensory communication in Greenlandic crime novels (Arctic Noir)) (Jette Rygaard)
- Den første grønlandske krimi - et glokalt udtryk (The first Greenlandic crime novel - a glocal expression) (Annemette Hejlsted)
- (Gen)udsendelse af grønlandsk kultur, sprog og historie - en undersøgelse af KNR-TV’s arkivforhold og brug af genudsendelser ((Re)broadcasting Greenlandic culture, language and history - a study of KNR-TV's archive conditions and use of rebroadcasts) (Aviaq Fleischer)
- Betydningsindhold for det verbale suffiks -galuar i moderne vestgrønlandsk (Meaning content for the verbal suffix -galuar in modern West Greenlandic) (Therese Lind Benhardt)
The theme Society & Health is represented by articles on attitudes and expectations for the future of Greenland, the Greenlandic correctional service, the Greenlandic health care system, the conditions for the elderly in Nuuk and the promotion of sexual health:
- Typologi for visioner for Grønlands fremtid - analyse af legitimitet og sammenligninger (Typology of visions for Greenland's future - analysis of legitimacy and comparisons) (Klaus Georg Hansen)
- Grønlands særlige foranstaltningsdømte - en kortlægning (Greenland's special offenders - a mapping) (Mette Rømer og Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen)
- Patientinddragelse i det grønlandske hospitalsvæsen - fra vision til praksis (Patient involvement in the Greenlandic hospital system - from vision to practice) (Lene Seibæk)
- Livet i egen bolig - ældres oplevelser af byrum (Life in your own home - older people's experiences of urban spaces) (Randi Sørensen Johansen og Tenna Jensen)
- Envisioning an ecological systems theoretical approach to sexual and reproductive health programs in Greenland (Malory Peterson, Gitte Adler Reimer, Elizabeth Rink)
The journal is published by Ilisimatusarfik and edited by an editorial board with representatives from all institutes at Ilisimatusarfik.