"Internationalization & Communication - 2024 in numbers" is now available
In keeping with tradition, we have compiled the most important results and statistics from the past year in our annual publication "Internationalization & Communication - 2024 in numbers"
In keeping with tradition, we have compiled the most important results and statistics from the past year in our annual publication "Internationalization & Communication - 2024 in numbers".
The publication provides an exciting look back at our internationalization and communication activities and, of course, the results can be compared with previous years' progress.
In "2024 in numbers" you will find a number of interesting insights and data that provide a clear picture of our engagement across several areas.
Among the key points are:
- Number of students studying abroad - How many students have had the opportunity to experience a different culture and study environment?
- Number of international guest students - How many international students have we had the pleasure of hosting?
- Number of courses in English - How our English language course offerings have evolved?
- Number of registered publications - How many publications have our researchers contributed with?
- Number of visiting scholars - How many foreign visiting scholars have visited us?
- Press coverage - What stories about Ilisimatusarfik have found their way to the media?
- Social media follower count - How has our digital presence evolved?
- Number of public lectures - How many public events and lectures have we been a part of?
This summary - and more - gives a good insight into the many activities we have been engaged in and how we continue to strengthen our international profile and visibility.
We hope that "2024 in numbers" will provide both insight and inspiration for our continued work in the year ahead.