Semester start 2024
Today, 2 September 2024, we celebrate a big event at Ilisimatusarfik - it's finally time for our semester start
Roll out the drums and fire the confetti cannon!
Today, 2 September 2024, we celebrate a big event at Ilisimatusarfik - it's finally time for our semester start (see the full program here).
We have been very excited to welcome all our new students.
The day began with the traditional academic handshake, where our rector welcomed the new students to the academic world - and the new students also started the introduction to their new program.
To all our new students:
Welcome aboard this exciting academic adventure!
Together, let's make student life a party that never stops - filled with friendships and knowledge in abundance.
New master degree program in Law
This year, we are extra proud to offer our new master degree program in Law for the first time - and we have the pleasure of welcoming 12 new master students.
The program is designed to provide students with in-depth legal knowledge and the necessary skills to navigate complex legal issues.
We are excited about this new master degree program and its importance to the Greenlandic society. The need for qualified lawyers is great - and we look forward to our future graduates contributing to the Greenlandic society.
Admitted 2024
Take a look below to see how many new students have taken the leap into our programs!
Program | Admitted 2024 | Admitted 2023 |
Business economics (bachelor) | 23 | 21 |
Journalism (bachelor) | 12 | (*) |
Law (bachelor) | 16 | 22 |
Law (master) | 12 | (**) |
Culture & social history (bachelor) | 19 | 23 |
Culture & social history (master) | 1 | 1 |
Teaching (bachelor) | 32 | 49 |
Translation & interpreting (bachelor) | 17 | 15 |
Social science (bachelor) | 13 | (***) |
Social science (master) | 11 | 8 |
Social work (bachelor) | 19 | 20 |
Language, literature & media (bachelor) | 15 | (***) |
Language, literature & media (master) | 1 | 1 |
Nursing (bachelor) | 16 | 11 |
Theology (bachelor) | 7 | 7 |
(*) Admission to the bachelor's program in Journalism is only every second year.
(**) The master of Law program admitted its very first students in 2024.
(***) There were no admissions to the bachelor programs in Social Sciences, and Language, Literature & Media in 2023 due to curricula reform work that will enter into force at semester start 2024.