Centre for children, youth & family research
Book launch in Oslo
Peter Berliner was invited to give a short presentation on the project Art and Social Communities in a Greenlandic Context - which is funded by the Norwegian Arts Council and the Danish Arts Foundation and has taken place at Ilisimatusarfik in good cooperation with Atuarfik Kilaaseeraq in Maniitsoq.
The project received much recognition as an important contribution to both our local and our global knowledge of how art can contribute to creating social communities. It is part of a major research initiative that has emerged through a collaboration between the Norwegian Arts Council and the Danish Arts Foundation.
The book launch was well attended and streamed - you can watch it on the Arts Council's website.
The book is published both in print and on the internet.
Peter Berliner's presentation at the 15th World Conference for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling (PCE2022), which took place in Copenhagen & online, 4 - 8 July 2022.
Peter Berliner’s presentation about "Childhood is Shrinking"
Childhood is Shrinking and Made to be More Linear and Functional. PeterBerliner is a lecturer and professor at the University of Greenland.
Early impairment, a lack of bonding, underdeveloped executive functions and vulnerability: all signs of individual discourses and 'therapeutic states' that turn us into clients and patients.
Too much individualization and internal competition emphasize the importance of flexible and complex networks. Social resilience and collective learning processes can create developmental pathways that punch holes in the urge to think in overriding categories.
Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Traditional Knowledge in the Contemporary World.
Virtual Roundtable - 19 March 2021.
Center for Børne-, Ungdoms- & Familieforskning ved Ilisimatusarfik afholdte konference d. 08. & 09. november 2018 - og konferencen havde disse fire overordnede temaer:
- Børn, unge, familier & uddannelse - lokalt & internationalt
- Udsatte børn & unge
- Børn, unge, sprog & rettigheder
- Børn, unge, fritid & livsvilkår
Du kan se de forskellige indlæg fra konferencen her:
- Emeritus Birger Poppel: "Børns levevilkår - belyst ved MIPI- & MIO-undersøgelser"
- Direktør for NAPA, Mats Bjerde: "Nordiska Kultursamarbetets möjligheter för barn och unga"
- Adjunkt med ph.d. forløb Signe Ravn-Højgaard: "Unges mediebrug i Grønland"
- Studieadjunkt Camilla Kleemann-Andersen: "Unge, sprog & hierarkier"
- Adjunkt med ph.d. Lars Oksen Demant-Poort & ph.d. stud. Louise Pindstrup Andersen: "Børns oplevelser af skolen"
- Adjunkt og ph.d. studerende Rosannguaq Rossen: "Grønlandske unge som Influencers"
- Læge, ph.d. Birgit Niclasen & MPH Bodil Karlshøj Poulsen: "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC Greenland) undersøgelsen. Muligheder for kvalificering af forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme, samt eksempler på brug af data omkring drinking motives og dårlig hørelse"
- Lektor, ph.d. Jette Rygaard: "At forske i og sammen med børn og unge i Grønland - metoder, der rykker"
- Professor emeritus Kurt Møller Pedersen: "Refleksioner over folkeskolens afgangseksamen"
- Professor Peter Berliner: "Social resiliens hos børn og unge - en oversigt over projekter"
- Socialrådgiver Hanne Siegstad: "Børn og unge i Qaanaaq - tværgående indsats i Kommunia Avanaata"
- Psykolog Elena de Casas Soberón: "Workshops on sexual rights for young people - experiences in Maniitsoq and Tasiilaq"
- Adjunkt Mariekathrine Poppel: "Sårbarhed blandt skolebørn"
- Ph.d. & institutleder Gestur Hovgaard: "Grønlands Universitets rolle i forskning om børn og unges livs- og udviklingsmuligheder set i lyset af ”Small State” - universitetets særlige funktion og rolle"
- Rektor Juan Camilo Mesa Jaramillo: "The role of the university in creating a caring community for children and young people"
- Rektor & ph.d. Gitte Adler Reimer: "Forskning i børn og unges liv og muligheder i Kullorsuaq - hvad forskning bidrager med"