SDGs at Ilisimatusarfik
During the period 21 - 23 March 2023, 7 employees from different departments and 9 students from different educational programs attended a workshop as part of Ilisimatusarfik's focus on and work with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

During the period 21 - 23 March 2023, 7 employees from different departments and 9 students from different educational programs attended a workshop as part of Ilisimatusarfik's focus on and work with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
In short, in groups the 16 people had to select which SDGs Ilisimatusarfik should work with in the future - and they also had to find possible solutions to problems and how these solutions could be implemented.
It was a very interesting and challenging workshop - and besides being introduced to the UNLEASH concept and methodology - we were also introduced to the for us in Greenland important focus regarding indigenous peoples, and how important it is to keep that in mind in relation to everything we deal with.
Focus on indigenous peoples was also on the minds of all the groups as they worked on proposed solutions throughout the workshop.
The groups pitched their solutions on Thursday afternoon in the canteen in front of a crowd of people - and all the groups did an excellent job.
Based on, among other things, the workshop - we can now introduce Ilisimatusarfik's SDG universe.