12 new school managers
Over the years, school managers have had the opportunity to take a school management program based on their own interests and needs

Over the years, school managers have had the opportunity to take a school management program based on their own interests and needs.
At the time, the school management program was offered as a full program every 3 years. In 2020, the program started as a module-based program with rolling admissions, which means that there is an intake every year and students are admitted to existing classes. In 2020, the first 20 students started.
Three years later, in the fall of 2023, Greenland has been enriched with 12 new school managers - or people who are in positions where knowledge of management in general is needed. In January 2024, another 3 will complete the program. In addition, there are 16 school managers in progress at various levels - and with applications due March 1st each year, the school management program is expected to have continuous intake.
The school management program provides a total of 60 ECTS and is taken over 6 semesters (3 years). This is taken alongside your regular work. In the first 3 semesters, you work with the basics of all management: Organization, development and co-creation; Management of employees and professional development; Personal leadership and change. Then you choose the school management part: Pedagogical, didactic and data-informed management; School management; and the Final project, which is based on your challenges as a school manager. This means that you analyze a specific problem you have at your school - and try to solve it.
The program usually involves a combination of physical learning and online learning. However, the program for people who live outside Nuuk has been conducted solely via online learning. The class that has just graduated consists of people who also come from smaller settlements. For them, this has meant that they have not had many unnecessary travel days where they would otherwise have to be away from their school. They have therefore been very happy with the online process. The graduation will also take place online on 23 October 2023.
When you hear what people say about the program, you can hope that it will inspire more people to enroll in the program. It is not only school management that can take the program, but also others with an interest in management.
A recurring theme is that everyone has benefited from the program in relation to their management work at their respective schools. The theoretical material is put into practice so that you can work with the challenges that characterize your everyday life. You cannot work with all the challenges, but you gain experience in drawing on the knowledge and theory that you have worked with throughout your studies, so you can act in the work situation you are in.
It is therefore with pleasure that the Institute of Learning, which financially administers the program, now graduate 12 new school managers. The lecturers are the same who teach at the Management Academy at Greenland Business School. It is a program that is recognized throughout the Nordic region. This means that the same management program is obtained regardless of whether you are in Greenland, Denmark or another Nordic country. It is a program that students can be proud to have completed and passed. The requirements are extremely high, and everyone has worked with dedication and determination, which is also reflected in the excellent results achieved.
With these words, congratulations to all - and we hope that the graduates will use the tools they have gained to lead their schools into the 21st century expectations of a good school.
The 12 new school managers are:
- Ajaaja Rosing, Aasiaat
- Akitsinnguaq Larsen, Nuuk
- Bibi-Gitte Lynge, Ilulissat
- Dan Normann, Qanaaq
- Johan Bidstrup, Nuuk
- Laila Vivian Petersen, Nuuk
- Lars Fleischer, Uummannaq
- Parma Søvndal Holm, Nuuk
- Pia Kristensen, Innaarsuit, Upernavik
- Susi Hinrup, Upernavik
- Søren Greve, Kullorsuaq
- Vivi Kleist, Nanortalik
Britta Lohmann, Head of Institute of Learning, Ilisimatusarfik
André Barsøe Jensen, Head of Studies, UCL