Ilisimatusarfik PhD student wins communication contest
23. October 2023
12 PhD and master students from Canada, the Nordics and the Arctic competed at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2023
12 PhD and master students from Canada, the Nordics and the Arctic competed at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2023 in Reykjavik to see who could give the best 5-minute presentation of their project.
Topics ranged from permafrost, the effect of solar panels on houses and homelessness.
A winner was chosen by both a jury and a "People's Choice award" from the audience.

The winner of both was PhD student Najaaraq Demant-Poort from Ilisimatusarfik
The winner of both was PhD student Najaaraq Demant-Poort from Ilisimatusarfik, who with great visuals and easy-to-understand communication presented the audience with her project about trust in public institutions in Greenland.
We wish Najaaraq a huge congratulations.
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