PhD school
Since 2001, Ilisimatusarfik has had the possibility to offer the 3 year PhD programme within the areas of:
- Arctic studies - pedagogy and educational science
- Arctic studies – health- and social studies
- Arctic studies – culture, language and social studies
As part of promoting the PhD programme at Ilisimatusarfik, a network for current and future PhD students has been established, where they can exchange professional as well as informal knowledge prior to and during the PhD programme.
The network is open for employees and students at master level, and future and potential PhD students at Ilisimatusarfik are welcome.
PhD students
Institute of Culture, Language & History
- Aviaq Fleischer: "Archival Treasures - cultural heritage from Greenland and about Greenland. Arctic media, archives, communication"
- Camilla Kleemann-Andersen
- Kirstine Eiby Møller: "Colonial encounters: Continuity and changes in the cultural encounters between Inuit and the Moravian Brethren in Colonial Greenland"
- Manumina Lund Jensen: "Greenlandic Dogsled Culture, from past to present"
- Paninnguaq Boassen: "The framework and importance of research in Greenland"
- Sara Elleskov: "How Inuit stories and culture have been studied through the Qilakitsoq mummies in biological, anthropological and archaeological research"
- Simun (Gimmi) Pauli Olsen: "The Diaconal Practice of the Greenlandic Church"
- Therese Lind Benhardt: "Greenlandic legal terminology and terminology work in the development of a Greenlandic legal discourse"
- Vivi Vold
Institute of Learning
- Cecilie Molander Pedersen: "Promoting Mental Well-being in Children in Greenland"
- Ivalu Mathiassen: "Students' syllable and morphimic reading strategies in the youngest classes. A study of reading instruction in a didactic design perspective in the subject Greenlandic"
- Kirsten Føns: "Outdoor schooling as a form of teaching to promote learning and motivation in the Greenlandic primary school. An intervention research project on the development of outdoor schooling in Greenland"
- Line Groth Nielsen: "A context-based and democratically educating social studies didactics: An intervention project in the Greenlandic primary school"
- Louise Pindstrup Scavenius: "The School Designing Teaching towards Progressing Pupils to a Youth Education Programme"
Institute of Health & Nature
- Bodil Hoffmeyer: "Gestational diabetes and risks of pregnancy complications through a national registry study"
- Mads Mose Jensen: "Sleep Apnea among high risk groups in Greenland"
- Maja Hykkelbjerg Nielsen: "Patient education in Greenland: Development and feasibility-test of an intervention to patients with diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
- Mie Møller: "Aspects of Covid-19 in Greenland"
- Paneeraq Noahsen: "Thyroid function and autoimmunity among populations in Greenland with 10 and 20 years follow-up"
Institute of Social Science, Economics & Journalism
- Anders Jørgensen: "Church law and its methodology - elucidated on the basis of specific issues"
- Anne Lise Kappel: "Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Greenland"
- Birthe Eriksen: "Study on adults, former victims of abuse, and their encounters with the education system and the labor market"
- David Turesson: "The entrepreneurial environment of smaller island jurisdictions - A comparative study of systems of entrepreneurship in economically developed small islands"
- Lene Møller: "The development of the Greenlandic legal society viewed in a legal sociological perspective"
- Mathilde Salskov Sams: "Resocialization of people with sexually abusive behavior in Greenland: A qualitative study of opportunities and challenges associated with resocializing efforts"
- Mille Bianco Schiermacher: "When Social Policy sails - unsuccessful migration among vulnerable Greenlandic youth"
- Najaaraq Demant-Poort: Researching the influence of a post-colonial heritage of Nordic formal institutions in Greenland through the lense of institutional and social trust
- Sara Olsvig: "'Win the hearts and minds': Superpower influence on national self-determination. How relations between Greenland and the US affect Greenland’s self-determination in times of increased international focus and tension in the Arctic"
Graduated PhDs
Graduated PhDs at Ilisimatusarfik
- Parnuna Egede Dahl (2024): "Utilization of Indigenous knowledge in environmental impact assessment of resource development projects in Greenland and the Canadian Arctic"
- Nick Duelund (2024): "Vision Screening of Greenlandic Children Evaluating Efficacy, Coverage, and Future Directions"
- Hjalte Larsen (2024): "Cardiovascular disease and heart failure in Greenland: A focus on dilated cardiomyopathy variants among Greenlanders with non-ischemic heart failure"
- Julie Flyger Holflod (2024): "Evaluation of the Implementation of Best Practice Models in the Treatment of Addiction of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Greenland"
- Nadja Albertsen (2024): "Atrial fibrillation in Greenland"
- Ivalu Katajavaara Seidler (2024): "Trajectories, risk factors and risk patterns for suicide in Greenland - A systematic approach based on registers and surveys"
- Mette Mørup Schlütter (2024): "Living with uncertainty in Old Age An ethnographic exploration of uncertainty in health, belonging, and hope in old age in Greenland"
- Signe Ravn-Højgaard (2024): "The Role of the Media in Greenland’s General Public"
- Anna Maria Andersson (2023): "Investigation of atopic dermatitis in Greenland; distinct genotypes, phenotypes and immunotypes"
- Christine Ingemann (2023): "From manual to practice: the implementation process of the parent preparation programme MANU 0-1 - A qualitative study in dialogue with practice"
- Trine Jul Larsen (2022): "Use of Artificial Intelligence and Telemedicine Solutions for the Study of Diabetic Eye Disease in Greenland"
- Birgitte Hamann Laustsen (2022): "Occupational diseases and accidents in the fisheries and fishing industry in Greenland"
- Bonnie Jensen (2021): "Barndomshjem eller børnehjem? - Et kvalitativt studie af 38 børns oplevelser af at blive og være anbragt på døgninstitution i Grønland" ("Childhood home or orphanage? - A qualitative study of 38 children's experiences of staying and being placed in a 24-hour care centre in Greenland")
- Mitdlarak Lennert (2021): "The administrative context of the Greenland primary and lower secondary school system - a governance system misaligned with learning"
- Naja Carina Steenholdt (2021): "Subjective Well-being and Quality of Life in Greenland"
- Mariekathrine Poppel (2020): "Mænds vold mod kvinder i samliv" ("Men's violence against women")
- Rosannguaq Rossen (2020): "Branding igennem moden - Den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt som symbol" ("Branding through fashion - the West Greenlandic women's dress as symbol")
- Malene Nøhr Demant (2020): "Effekten af øredræn - et randomiseret kontrolleret studie blandt børn i Grønland" ("The effect of ear drainage - a randomized controlled study among children in Greenland")
- Mikaela Augustussen (2018): "Palliation til grønlandske kræftpatienter i Grønland og i Danmark" ("Palliation for Greenlandic Cancer Patients in Greenland and Denmark")
- Anna-Sofie Skjervedal (2018): "Public participation in Impact Assessment: Exploring the Human Dimension of Hydrocarbon Exploration in Greenland"
- Andreas Møller Jørgensen (2017): ”Democratic and Technological Innovation: An Inquiry into eDemocratic Power Configuration”
- Ann Eileen Lennert (2017): ”A Millennium of Changing Environment in the Kangersuneq and the Kapisillit Fjord System West Greenland – Interdisciplinary analyses of climate variability and cultural landscapes”
- Lars Demant-Poort (2016): "Naturfagsdidaktik i den grønlandske folkeskole - et multipelt casestudie om natur, undervisning og sprog" ("Didactics in Natural Sciences in the Greenlandic State School - a multiple case study on nature, teaching and language")
- Anders Øgaard (2016): "Fjernundervisning i skolen i Grønland" ("Distance Learning in the Greenlandic School")
- Steven Arnfjord (2014): "Social work and action research - in an arctic context" ("Participating Action Research with Social Workers - empowerment of Greenland's overlooked welfare profession")
- Tine Aagaard (2014): "Hverdagsliv med sygdom - patienters kulturelle perspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland" ("Everyday Life with Illness - patients' cultural perspectives on health practice in Greenland")
- Inge Høst Seiding (2013): "Ægteskaber mellem grønlandske kvinder og europæiske mænd i perioden 1750-1850" ("Marriages between Greenlandic Women and European Men from 1750 - 1850")
- Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen (2012): ”Anstalten - frihedsberøvelse i Grønland” ("The Institution - loss of liberty in Greenland")
- Gitte Adler Reimer (2011): "Slægtskab og køn i grønlandske bysamfund - følelser af forbundethed" ("Relationship and Gender in Greenlandic Urban Communities - feeling og connectedness")
- Jens Heinrich (2010): "Eske Brun og det moderne Grønlands tilblivelse 1932 - 64" ("Eske Brun and the Nirth of the Modern Greenland, 1932 - 1964")
- Katrine Kjærgaard (2009): "Grønland som del af den bibelske fortælling: Studier i billeder og forestillinger 1721-2008" ("Greenland as Part of the Biblical Story: A study in pictures and conceptions, 1721 - 2008")
Guidelines, templates, etc.
- Lovgivning (legislation - in Danish)
- Gældende retningslinjer (current guidelines - in Danish)
- Retningslinjer for adjunkter med ph.d.-forløb (guidelines for assistant professors with PhD program - in Danish)
- Retningslinjer for ph.d.-vejledning (guidelines for PhD supervision - in Danish)
- Afholdelse af pre-defense eller midtvejsevaluering (holding a pre-defense or mid-term evaluation - in Danish)
- Skabelon for kursusbedømmelse (course assessment template - in Danish)
- Ansøgningsskema til ph.d.-studiet (application form for the PhD program - in Danish)
- Retningslinjer for overhead (guidelines for overhead - in Danish)
- Skabelon til ph.d.-budget (PhD budget template - in Danish)
Your are more than welcome to contact us.
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