Children & Adolescent Research Environment

The new Center for Children & Adolescent Research Environment at Ilisimatusarfik represents a new initiative to strengthen the focus on knowledge and research in the field of children and adolescents. The center will host an interdisciplinary research environment that aims to understand, analyze and improve the complex challenges facing Greenlandic children, youth and families in the 21st century.
Research into the well-being and development of children, youth and families is crucial in Greenland, where cultural, social and economic conditions play a central role. The center's work will focus on investigating topics such as foster placement, education, health, culture, identity and socio-economic inequality, and how these factors affect the living conditions of children and young people.
Work ahead
A key objective for the centre is to establish strong partnerships with Greenlandic civil society and organizations to ensure that the research is relevant and useful in practice. The vision is that the center will play a key role in society, contributing research that is not hidden away - but is designed to help Greenland's children, youth and families. This also includes creating bridges between the research community and decision-makers so that the results can be used to shape policies and programs that benefit children, youth and families in Greenland.
International collaboration also plays a central role in the center's work. We seek to exchange knowledge and experiences with researchers and institutions from around the world to enrich our perspectives and bring global expertise to national research. Through interdisciplinary research, collaboration and knowledge sharing, the center will strive to be a driving force for positive change in Greenland that strengthens the quality of life of children, youth and families. The center thus marks an important milestone in the efforts to promote the welfare and well-being of future generations in Greenland.