Greenland center for health research
Greenland’s Centre for Health Research (GCHR) at the Institute of Health & Nature was inaugurated at a meeting in Nuuk of the Danish-Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health in October 2008.
The aim of the Centre is to enhance cooperation between researchers from other countries and health professionals in Greenland, to facilitate research cooperation within Greenland, and to facilitate the interaction of researchers from other countries with the Greenland community at large. The Centre is active in teaching at all levels from classroom teaching of nursing students to supervision of PhD students. In a longer perspective, the Centre will work for the establishment of data archive and archive of specimens collected in Greenland.
The Centre’s vision is to improve the health status in Greenland through initiation and coordination of health research.
- Increasing coordination among research institutions
- Developing, exchanging, disseminating and applying scientific knowledge
- Creating national and international networks
- Building local capacity through PhD programs and mentoring
- Improving community involvement and local partnerships
Advisory board
- Gert Mulvad, MD, Dr. h.c. (Chairman)
- Anna Kleist Egede (Vice chairman) Head of institute, Institute of Health & Nature
- Ella Skifte, Chief Nurse - Board of Health and Prevention
- Paneeraq Noahsen, Chief Medical Officer
- Nike Berthelsen, Head of Department for Health
- Nuka Mette-Marie Larsen, Research coordinator at Department of Research
- Lene Seibæk, Professor, Institute of Health & Nature
- Appointed: Michael L. Pedersen, MD, GP, PhD, Dr. Med. Greenland Centre for Health Research
Partnership & network
The Centre works to forge links between research centres, independent scholars and students as well as health professionals in Greenland. GCHR is organised within the Institute of Health & Nature at University of Greenland. We collaborated with the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources on building project for the Centre. The Centre has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Canadian Institute for Circumpolar Health in Yellowknife (North West Territories) and the UArctic.
The Centre cooperates with:
- Centre for Care Research at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
- Arctic Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network
Furthermore, GCHR is co-organisation of NUNAMED, part of Thematic Network on Health and Well-being in the Arctic under University of the Arctic, and member of the Circumpolar Health Research Network.
If you would like to be part of our network of researchers, you are welcome to send us an e-mail to [email protected] containing your name and areas of interest.
PhD programme
PhD students:
- Maja Nielsen, MScPH, Cand.Scient.San.Publ.
- Emma Vitale, MA Archaeology
- Mads Bjørn Bjørnsen, Cand Scient. Biology
- Mads Mose Jensen, MD
- Mette Malene Motzfeldt Jensen, MD
- Mie Møller, MD
- Paneeraq Noahsen, MD
- Nathalie Demuth Fryd, MD
- Bodil Dalsgaard Hoffmeyer
- Helene Nielsen
- Mathilde Tuborg
- Michael Jensen
Completed PhD projects:
- Steven Arnfjord: "Deltagende Aktionsforskning med Socialrådgivere - Empowerment af Grønlands oversete velfærdsprofession"
- Tine Aagaard: "Hverdagsliv med sygdom – Patienters kulturelle perspektiver på sundhedspraksis i Grønland"
- Tobias Todsen: "Surgeon-performed ultrasonography – Collecting validity evidence for assessment of abdominal and head & neck ultrasonography skills"
- Karen Bjørn-Mortensen: "Tuberculosis in East Greenland - Epidemiologic and Genomic Insights into a TB high incidence setting"
- Mikaela Augustussen: "Palliation til grønlandske kræftpatienter i Grønland og i Danmark"
- Karsten Rex: "Hepatitis among Greenlanders in Denmark and in Greenland, and the effect of chronic HPV infection in Greenland"
- Malene B. Demant: "Effekten af øredræn - et randomiseret kontrolleret studie blandt børn i Grønland. The SIUTIT Trial"
- Trine Jul Larsen: "Diabetic eye disease in Greenland"
- Christine Ingemann: "Putting families and local professionals at the heart of implementation research: A qualitative implementation study on Greenland’s universal parenting programme MANU 0-1 Year"
- Anna Maria Anderson: "Investigation of atopic dermatitis in Greenland; distinct genotypes, phenotypes and immunotypes"
- Nick Duelund: "Vision Screening in Greenlandic Children"
- Maja Hykkelbjerg Nielsen: "Patient education in Greenland: Development and feasibility testing of an intervention to patients with diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
- Julie Flyger Holflod: "Implementation of best practice models in treatment of alcohol and other addictions in Greenland"
- Ivalu Katajavaara Seidler: "Trajectories, risk factors and risk patterns for youth suicide in Greenland - A systematic approach based on registries and surveys"
- Hjalte Larsen: "Undersøgelse af hjertesvigt i Grønland"
- Mette Mørup Schlütter: "Living with uncertainty in old age – an ethnographic exploration of the experience of old age in Greenland"
- Nadja Albertsen: "Cardiac Arrhythmias in Greenland"
PhD committee
PhD committee of the Institute of Health & Nature (Ilisimatusarfik) consists of:
- Lene Seibæk (chair), professor, PhD, Institute of Health & Nature, Ilisimatusarfik & senior researcher at Aarhus University Hospital
- Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann, PhD, postdoc., Institute of Health & Nature, Ilisimatusarfik
- Bodil H Blix, professor, PhD, Department of Health and Care Sciences, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
- Stig Andersen, professor, PhD, senior consultant, Arctic Health Research Centre, Aalborg University & Greenland Centre for Health Research
Greenland Center for Health Research
Institute of Health & Nature
Manutooq 1, 3905 Nuussuaq
P.O. Box: 1061
E-mail: [email protected]